How did this effort feel?

Hi there,

Apologies - I can’t seem to find an answer to this question having searched the forum.

Scenario: You are completing a workout and feel strong so take one of the suggestions to up the intensity by a few percent (or having a bad day and need to tone it down a few)

Either way, at the end of the workout, do we answer the perceived effort question based on feeling before/after or whole experience of the work out? i.e. if I’ve felt strong and upped the intensity by a few percent - do I evaluate the work out as easy/moderate as I needed to increase intensity or focus on how it felt once the intensity was increased and so mark the effort as hard?

Thanks for the help!

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It’s in general how did the whole workout feel. Don’t overthink it


Evaluate the workout as performed. If you increase/decrease you take that into account.

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Evaluate the work you’ve done, not what you should have done.


This is exactly what this was created for…It’s the workout as a whole. If your body is accumulating too much volume, then this is how their AI determines your level and values for your next workout.

As stated, don’t overthink it and just be consistent in your answers across all workouts and you’ll quickly figure out how to rate your workouts and it will take care of the rest.


Jonathan on the podcast a few weeks back summed up well IMO. He said something like 'simply just rate the work out how it felt and don’t over think it let AT do that. If you felt strong so upped the intensity by a few % which subsequently led to it feeling hard, rate it as hard. Similarly if you felt strong but didn’t up the intensity and it felt easy, rate it as easy.


Perfect - thank you! Now I know!

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