How do I take Indoor workouts from a plan outside?


i know that one can alter the workouts in a plan as inside or outside workouts while adding them to the calendar,
But is there a chance to easily switch a workout which has been originally planned as indoor to outdoor? I did not find this option.


In the calender, click on the workout, and underneath you can change it from indoors to outdoors.


excellent, so easy and still overlooked. i just tried to alter it in the app, which seems impossible.


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Yeah you are still unable to do many features on the mobile apps. I think you can do it on a desktop app but I usually do most changes and analysis online.

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We have been working on a ground-up redesign of the Mobile app that will allow us to bring the features and adjustability of the web calendar into the mobile app experience :+1:.

great, when will it be launched? :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your suggestion. I’ve tried clicking ten different workouts (on a desktop) but only get an edit, copy or delete option. The outside option box never appears. I’ve seen it in previous training plans, so I know you’re right. It just doesn’t work now that I need it.

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Here I’ve added Andrews to the Desktop Calendar and clicked it, which opens the workout on the right side of the screen:

now at bottom click the pencil icon, next to the trash can icon. That opens up a slide out and then you can click Outside.

I’d get in touch with our support team, there may be an issue with the version you’re running or a setting that’s preventing that ‘outside’ option from appearing, they’re great at isolating issues like this!

You can email them at, or submit a request online. Helpful information to include is your TrainerRoad username, and a couple of specific rides from your calendar that you’re referring to. They’ll get you sorted!