How does your Watt/kg stack up against other TR athletes?

Man, shots fired.

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You’ve grown taller and now you’re five foot nothing?
That’s not how I pictured you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And I’m trying to feel better about being in the 56th percentile

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Close, but I’m 5’ 10" so not quite aligned there. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was 5’ 11" in my college days and found that shrinking spine we seem to get after a bit of time.

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Good points there.
I would like the data to be curated with the “reputable” trainers.

If only this data set represented people racing in the UK :sob:

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Meaning you want a region based filter as well?

I mean I’d be curious and interested - I’d imagine it shouldn’t be hard to filter by country - but I just meant that I have a nagging doubt that “this is a subset of highly trained, motivated and capable cyclists that is already ahead of the curve of the competition”.

Now 5-10 years ago this wasn’t the case - people who had smart turbo trainers were the ultra keen. Nowadays even my mum was turbo curious to keep fit.

My guess would be that the Venn diagram of people who are keen amateurs and who train on a turbo / subscribe to TR or a similar platform nowadays is just a circle but I’m entirely open to being wrong or just accepting this is just self deprecation.

(99th percentile and I’m the slowest bloke in my group ride of amateur 30-50yo dads, and I won’t start drawing them back until I can push more like 400 for 20)

Anyway so that aside I think I do have a question. @Nate_Pearson what is the date set for inclusion here? Would it be possible to filter out just the last few years or year to get a better picture?


99th percentile :dotted_line_face: - I don’t feel 99%

Im 65kg which pats my ego but I know anyone out here with the same wkg but is heavier is gonna drop me without a bother!

Another bit of data I’d love to see is wkg plot against time spent riding? I bet that would be an interesting graph?

E.g. 'mean hours/week/wkg".

I wonder what the shape of the curve would be? Linear? Logarithmic?


Indeed, this would be really cool.

My FTP is not too good but decent. In same time, hours I put in, are above average.
Basically, modest genetics + hunger to ride → proud average cyclist :smile:

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What about us elders? 70+, 80+, etc.


As a 74 year old, I know that my decline is more noticeable year on year. Significantly different to my pre-70 age. Am I unique, I doubt it. In TT there is a spread of performance within each 10 year bracket. But as new athletes join the 70+ those athletes are always fastest, for a year, only to be replaced by the next 70 year old. Hence, I like to see annual brackets for the older athletes. At least I think it might be worthwhile checking your data to see if my observations bear weight.


Iirc correctly I posted a topic once here (or someone else did and I reposted it elsewhere) with a scientific paper on performance of cross country skiers vs age which showed performance slightly declined from the mid 40s until somewhere in the mid 70s and then suddenly decreased greatly

Personally I would like to know how I stack up to others for my height (or height²) instead of weight @Nate_Pearson

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Referring to @Nate_Pearson video, ie Masters athletes. If declining Maximal Stroke Volume (MSV) is the most likely cause of age related lowering performance, what training provides the best means of improving MSV?
Hence, working towards raising the older athletes average FTP vs other TR athletes.
Further are the TR Masters plans targeting it? I don’t get that feeling, rather they seem to target athletes requiring longer recovery.

Also training age.

But better recovery equates to being able to do higher intensity days. I would expect being able to do harder work consistently will lead to being better able to maintain FTP.

I’m not implying there aren’t benefits of recovery. But, if these are actually about MASTERS, rather than athletes needing extra recovery, then my understanding is MSV needs to be a driver of the plans. But, so far has not even been mentioned. I have a recollection of hearing the term in connection with HIIT?

Buy a sauna and do vo2 workouts properly (not 30/30s)

Next? :wink:

Let’s get all the data metrics involved so I can be the fastest 33 year old male 70kg rider in new hampshire who average 5.66 (repeating of course) hours a week :roll_eyes:

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Just looked up the Coggan chart and it puts my 45th percentile TR W/kg at the upper end of “Fair/Cat 5” and bottom row of “Moderate/Cat 4”.

And now I’ve just spent 45 minutes on the Internet and twiddling the calculator finding out that I should lose 15 lbs (I really should lose at least 10 without worrying about W/kg) and gain another 30 Watts above and beyond where I was before I spent January off the bike… 45 minutes I should have spent already on the trainer!