How does your Watt/kg stack up against other TR athletes?

Now head over to and see a proper chart with age breaks as well as full range data (not just FTP). It’s far better than this narrow snapshot.


Hahaha, 10-12 hours/week structured training got me to 42nd percentile. What a waste of time and energy.

  • Serious or joking?

semi serious, not training anymore and much happier for it. After 2 months just riding twice a week for funsies, I can still hold my FTP for 50 minutes.

“Comparison is the thief of joy” Theodore Roosevelt

We can’t all be top performers so I’d wager we are better to “find our why” in something other than chasing numbers against others, be that charts like this, podium spots or even that county line sprint. That is why these types of tools are a bit of a double-edged sword. Can be good for some uses and poor for others.

All well & good to have some goals like that, but fixation on them or notable disappointment in falling short can lead to feelings like you’ve and many others shared around here. I see those as signs that it might be good to take a different look or direction.

We all find joy in different ways but it seems best if there is at least some of that linked to our efforts or it truly is a waste, regardless of the results. Sounds like you’ve done that in ways which is a good deal from what I see. :smiley:

ETA: Re-listening to last week’s podcast, there is some worthwhile perspective from an Olympic level athlete at the tip top that was not fulfilled even being part of that rare air. Interesting to hear that perspective despite what many of us below that might think if we were able to get there.


I’m just poking fun at myself, I’m a thicc boi so I know exactly why I’m below average on the curve :smiley: