How long does it take for fructose to "do something"?

I’ve listened to him on a couple of podcasts, including the first one on TR. He is also associated with the Nduranz company and they have a calculator. Lets put the following into the calculator:

  • Workout: Race or Workout
  • Intensity: High
  • Duration: 3 hours

we get the following recommendations for cold, warm, and hot conditions:

3 hour recommendations, any temp, race or high intensity workout

Weight <60kg 60-75kg 75+kg
Carbs between rides 6-9g/kg 6-9g/kg 6-9g/kg
Carbs 1st Hour 45g 45g 68g
Carbs 2nd Hour 68g 90g 90g
Carbs 3rd Hour 68g 90g 90g

Example for 3 different weights, workout yesterday, high intensity workout or race today

Weight 60kg 70kg 80kg
Carbs off the bike over 24 hours 360-540g 420-630g 480-720g
Carbs 1st Hour 45g 45g 68g
Carbs 2nd Hour 68g 90g 90g
Carbs 3rd Hour 68g 90g 90g

45g is about 2 medium bananas. Eat two while walking out the door like I do (90kg) and I’ve satisfied 1st hour recommendations for high intensity workout or hard group ride, assuming I ate carbs off the bike.

45g breakdown (Nduranz 1Nrgy Unit)

  • 25g maltodextrose
  • 20g fructose

68g breakdown (Nduranz 1Nrgy Unit)

  • 38g malto
  • 30g fructose

90g breakdown (Nduranz 1Nrgy Unit)

  • 50g malto
  • 40g fructose

3 hour easy workout, any temp

Weight <60kg 60-75kg 75+kg
Carbs between rides 4-6g/kg 4-6g/kg 4-6g/kg
Carbs 1st Hour 28g 28g 28g
Carbs 2nd Hour 28g 45g 45g
Carbs 3rd Hour 28g 45g 68g

Example for 3 different weights, workout yesterday, high intensity workout or race today

Weight 60kg 70kg 80kg
Carbs off the bike over 24 hours 240-360g 280-420g 320-480g
Carbs 1st Hour 28g 28g 28g
Carbs 2nd Hour 28g 45g 45g
Carbs 3rd Hour 28g 45g 68g


All that and now about me.

  • 90-ish kg
  • do a lot of 1.75 to 2 hour workouts

Put that into a typical week for myself with a 3 hour ride on Saturday, all others 1.5-2 hours so I’ll use 2 hour recommendations:

Day Monday Tuesday Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
Intensity High Easy Med Off High Easy Off
Carbs 24 hours before 450-540g 270-450g 270-450g 450-540g 270-450g 270-450g 270-450g
Carbs 1st Hour 45g 0g 45g - 45g 28g -
Carbs 2nd Hour 68g 28g 68g - 68g 45g -
Carbs 3rd Hour - - - - - 68g -

I ride in afternoon, before dinner. Dinner can easily hit 100-150g carbs. Breakfast easily 120g carbs. Lunch only counting rice its 100g. So thats 320-370 on the low-end, at or just below the off-the-bike 24 hour recommendations. A couple bananas pre-ride and I’m at 370-420g on the low-end.

Saturday 4 hour easy endurance ride would be 5-6g (450-540g @ 90kg) the 24 hours before, then during the 4 hour easy endurance ride: 45g first hour, 45g second hour, 68g third hour, and 90g fourth hour. (FWIW I’ve experimented and prefer front-loading 90g, 90g, 45-60g, 45-60g).

Day Sat
Intensity Easy
Carbs 24 hours before 450-540g
Carbs 1st Hour 45g
Carbs 2nd Hour 45g
Carbs 3rd Hour 68g
Carbs 4th Hour 90g

Saturday 5 hour ride would be 6-7 (540-630g @ 90kg) the 24 hours before, then during the 5 hour easy endurance ride: 45g first hour, 68g second hour, 90g third hour, 90g fourth hour, and 90g fifth hour.

Day Sat
Intensity Easy
Carbs 24 hours before 540-630g
Carbs 1st Hour 45g
Carbs 2nd Hour 68g
Carbs 3rd Hour 90g
Carbs 4th Hour 90g
Carbs 5th Hour 90g

Hope that helps someone.

@SarahLaverty two questions for the upcoming podcast… 1. Does Dr Podlogar generally agree with the Nduranz calculator recommendations? 2. I’ve heard what sound like really high recommendations on TR podcast, if Dr Tim answers yes to question 1, can TR explain their position?

Thank you.