35y/o male - I’ve been doing structured training using TR in off season, this is my second season. On season mostly mountain bike with some road/gravel usually 150-250mi/wk depending on what terrain dominates. About 3+ months in this training season - started with LV general base bc I had not ridden a whole lot this fall due to life, then LV general build, now about 1wk into mid volume specialty build - marathon XC. So far I’ve increased my AI FTP 189 (2.8 w/kg) → 212 (3.1 w/kg) this season, with a recent FTP bump from 205 to 212 two weeks ago. At this point, the plan is:
M: Rest
T: VO2 (1hr)
W: Endurance (1hr)
Th: VO2 (1hr)
F: Sweet spot (1:30)
Sa/Sun: 1x Endurance (2hr), day varies
Depending on weekend plans I’ll swap the Fri & weekend ride for 2 days of some combination of outdoors on the fatbike or ski touring. Weekly TSS is ~250-300 on the plan, if I do a bigger ride on the weekend with TSS estimates (no power) it might be 400-600 total for the week. This equates to 3+hr/25-30mi on the fatbike.
Sometimes when Tues rolls around I am just totally smoked. This last week following one day of touring & a day of downhill skiing over the weekend I did the Tues workout but it felt very hard. Did the endurance workout Wed. Thurs just couldn’t hang & dropped after 15 mins & subbed 30min endurance. Fri did a lower sweet spot workout & still felt not 100%. This has happened a couple times where I maybe got a little overzealous over the weekend and it seems to take about a week or so to get back to normal.
My question - Is this expected? It feels long to me to get back to baseline, am I overtraining? Is this productive or counterproductive? I get decent sleep, 7-8hr/night and wouldn’t say this period in my life is particularly stressful. My suspicion is that I am possibly undereating/underfueling. I probably am in the 2500-3500 cal/day range, plant based, mostly whole foods - but am not tracking in any real meaningful way. I’ll usually do 200cal of tailwind per hour during a hard ride + a recovery bev for another 200 after. Thanks for any advice or shared experiences.
edit: also worth noting that all excercise and training is at 9000-12000ft elevation, indoor training 10k