How much water do you drink?

How much? ALL! :rofl:
Honestly, when I start loose weight(mainly muscle-mass), my water consumption decreasing.
Less mass - less sweat.
Besides, I use water to wet my throat during Vo2 intervals because of heavy breathing. Consequently, I have to stop to take a pee-break. :smiley:
Water intake is a difficult part of cycling. :sweat_smile:

Probably around 500ml/hr for me. Iā€™m on the smaller side and donā€™t sweat a ton.
More during tris/brick workouts because while i am running I like to not drink until I die.

Sure, edited the title after I respondedā€¦ Win some, look silly later some.


Yeah, I did add ā€œwaterā€ to the title for total clarity, but the OP include the Waterboy GIF with ā€œH2Oā€ as the focus, so it wasnā€™t exactly lacking entirely from the original context :wink:

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Was it not Lionel Sanders during his Kona prep that found out through sweat rate testing that he needed to consume 2L/h ā€¦ crazy! And, as you know, heā€™s a committed fellow

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I have no idea on LS because I donā€™t follow him or his shenanigans.

Anything is possible but as you note, thatā€™s a TON of fluids and looking more at the Kona side of prep it seems atypical for day to day training. I am not sure how I could even get that much fluid down (over 1/2 gallon) in that time without a hydro pack practically setup as an IV bag the entire ride :stuck_out_tongue:

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When I originally made the post I did have this part:

Donā€™t know many people that are cracking beers or mixing cocktails on the bike indoors.


After a Friday night workout on the trainer I like to think of a cold beer as my carb recovery drink of choice while cooling down :+1:

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Early season riding, when itā€™s -5c out, the answer is one bottle every 2-4h.

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Now we need to know if you have 4 before you unclip!

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From my past experience playing football in -10C in Saskatchewan

When the temperature dropped coaches always had to have a talk with about the importance of hydration since it is harder to remember to drink when you are not sweating.

In recent days I have started to take on carbs from the bottle to train my gut so for me I need to drink that entire bottle to meet my carb/hour needs.

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I wonder how many who donā€™t drink much are training in an air conditioned room?

Thatā€™s me!

If itā€™s a soul crushing workout I might go through 16oz. Often though I might go through half a bottle. But I blast the a/c and have a fan on me. And to add to that we had new a/c units installed 2 years ago and I had them add an extra vent in my office/pain cave.

Do others drink plain water or drink mix for workouts up to an hour?

I definitely drink more training than I do throughout the day otherwise. I keep 4 24oz bottles on a shelf nearby with 2 being my typical 1.5 hour consumption. Some easier rides I may actually drink more probably out of boredom. It is not unusual for me to dip into bottle 3. I have an extremely well air-conditioned room. Indoor AC plus 4 Lasko fans and usually have them all on by the time things get real.

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I fuel every workout. Iā€™m also not small. Related? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I donā€™t generally do much special before my workouts unless I know itā€™s going to be a killer. But workout right after work so late afternoon I make sure to eat something

4 to 4.5 litres a day is the answer to the question I thought was going to be asked.

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I get all my hydration from food I eat, like a cat

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I am small and I fuel every workout.

I just learned I do better if I fuel. I gave up explaining to others. It really becomes apparent when I have no trouble doing a 3-4 hour ride without stopping and they insist we take a break for 30 minutes. Then they eat something.


Iā€™ll drink 20-24oz /hr doing endurance or harder on the trainer in the summer (hot garage rides). Maybe a bit less in winter.

I was riding in TX in the summer drinking about 50-75oz /hr through a hydration backpack.