How to replace Tacx T1981.22

Hi All,

As with many T1981.22 clamps, notches have broken in mine too.
I do have a spare T1982.22 available for my Tacx Bushido Smart T2780 trainer
But how do I replace it?
How do I remove the axle


Reach out to… Tacx/Garmin?

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I mean this plastic cover.
Thanks Boombang for the picture

No reply from them
So I was wondering if somebody on this forum knows how to replace this part?

Everything I have found is of almost no use to help you. There are some YouTube videos out there that might help.

Hah, most of those videos are about noise ‘See how quite/noisy it is?!’.

Which axle? The main drive axle?

Post pictures!!

WSill do once back from holidays

I mean this axle
How do I get the T1981.22 removed from it?

You’ll have to remove end caps on both ends. Cap is held by one torx screw and plastic clips. When end caps are removed you can see the pivoting axle.

Thx, will give it a try