How to resume after 4 week holiday and 3 weeks before week long cycle tour!

Hi all

Looking for some guidance on the best strategy to resume training after a 4 week holiday. I’m lucky enough to be in the middle of a 4 week road trip holiday with family. This is a total one off and not the norm! I’m not able to train during this 4 weeks and can’t run due to a long term chronic foot injury. When I get back I then have 24 days before I go on a week long cycling tour in Spain with some of my cycling mates. Before holiday I was in the middle of General Build low volume (although taking a lot longer than 8 weeks to complete). The cycling trip to Spain is 6 days riding of varying distance (60 - 80 miles per day). It’s at a social pace but will be hilly and carrying seat post packs on the bikes. What do you suggest upon my return to get the best bang for my buck in recouping 4 weeks of lost fitness. Go back a few weeks on General Build and resume or perhaps do a few weeks of Sweet Spot? Or focus on some VO2 Max efforts to regain fitness quickly? I will also be doing outdoor riding (3 hr rides with the guys ). I know doing all indoor rides would be more efficient but outdoor rides allow me to to catch up with the guys etc. I guess I also need to build in a few days at least of rest / recovery before the cycling trip. Any advice / feedback gratefully received!

Will the place you are staying have a gym? Or if you are based in a single place (or at least not moving every night!) you could almost certainly rent a road/mountain bike locally to keep on top of your fitness.

Otherwise coming back from 4 weeks off (which isnt so bad really) to 3 weeks before your planned cycle trip is an interesting dynamic. In trying to imagine what I might do… it would probably be Coach Chad’s mini-vo2 booster/progression plan mixed with longer rides.

Hey @Sundance!

This article I’ve written in our Help Center should help you to determine the best course of action. Let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile:


Hi Brenph. Thanks for the reply. The max we are staying in one place is 4 days but sometimes just one. Unfortunately hiring a bike has not been an option and are mainly doing family day trips anyway so probably best avoided! I did find a gym that allowed casual one off training sessions but they were about to close when I arrived and we were booked into a trip the next day! In my mind I am writing this 4 weeks off, focus on doing some cool stuff with family and try to recover as much lost training ground when I return!

VO2 and long rides sounds like a good idea to me!

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