I ❤️CARBS! (and so should you!)

Perhaps the greatest modern demonstration of carbs at work is Froome’s Giro stage 19:

We also get a look at what exactly Froome ate to fuel that epic ride, starting the day with a big breakfast of nearly 1,000 calories that included 400g of rice, an omelette of three whites and one yolk, and four pancakes with jam.

During the [80km] ride itself it seems like there might have been as much stress on Froome’s digestive system as his legs as he punched through a massive 14 energy gels along with two bottles of SIS Beta Fuel drink and four plain rice cakes to give a total calorie consumption of 2,348 calories.

That last line…127g/20min!!! :scream: :scream: :scream:

Think about that the next time you’re struggling through Mary Austin on just water.

And just in case any of you missed it… :grin: