High carb all day.
Keto is crap.
High carb all day.
Keto is crap.
Anyone here tried sweet potatoes before riding? I found it to be highly effective at being able to sustain higher power, plus better recovery. Eating half of a medium/small sweet potato 30mins before a 2-3hr ride and it was dynamite. better than any other supplement i have ever tried.
LOL, you’re 18, you could eat an old boot, and still ride all day at threshold :).
Tend to find old wellies are better
One guy did. I think his name is @Nate_Pearson.
Before a big day I’ll sometimes saute an onion and make a sweet potato hash with it and then throw a couple eggs on top. I don’t eat this less than two hours before a ride though
On lower intensity indoor rides I’ll eat sweet potatoes as mid-ride fuel, love them that way
Definitely nailed it!
What app is that screen shot from? Looks good.
It’s My Fitness Pal but it’s the paid version where you can actually track macros.
Relevant annecdote that I thought would fit here. In the past year, I’ve dropped about 10-15lbs and lost upper body mass from hardly swimming/lifting, so I look visibly leaner than in past years.
I spent the last couple weeks back in my hometown with family and friends that I haven’t seen since the last holiday season. I got quite a few comments of “wow you look really thin/fit, what did you do, did you cut carbs/go keto?”
Me: “Just the opposite, I ate MORE carbs than ever! Shifting to a complex carb-based diet has been the best thing I’ve ever done.”
I kid you not, I got almost universal confused stares and awkward topic changes from everyone. It really is unfortunate how much misinformation there is around carbs and broader nutrition in the general population.
I was listening to the Stronger by Science Podcast and the hosts were discussing a new study about glycogen storages.
The sexy name of the study was Subcellular localization- and fibre type-dependent utilization of muscle glycogen during heavy resistance exercise in elite power and Olympic weightlifters
Results: After exercise, biochemically determined muscle glycogen decreased by 38 (31:45)%. Location-specific glycogen analyses revealed in type 1 fibres a large decrement in intermyofibrillar glycogen, but no or only minor changes in intramyofibrillar or subsarcolemmal glycogen. In type 2 fibres, large decrements in glycogen were observed in all subcellular localizations. Notably, a substantial fraction of the type 2 fibres demonstrated near-depleted levels of intramyofibrillar glycogen after the exercise session.
I am far from a scientist, but I found it fascinating, and the results could have some implications for endurance-based fueling as well. The analogy of seeing muscle glycogen as a gas tank seems quite far off, and in the podcast, one of the hosts used an analogy of air compressed can.
What I took from this is it is even more important than I thought to keep “topped” up when doing long endurance events. For the science-minded people around here, please dive in and give some feedback!
Totally hardly anybody has time to listen when I start explaining how much I eat
Does anyone have a link to to study mentioned a couple times on the podcast where injesting all the way up to 10g/kg of carbs improved performance?
A whole lot more people should take note of this
Save some money folks!
Dr. Louise Burke is a legend here.
I think there is an even newer more resoundingly convincing one from the last 3 years. Maybe 2 review articles recently, actually.
and another:
BURKE 2020, Crisis of Confidence Averted, Impairment of exercise economy and performance in elite race walkers by ketogenic low carbohydrate, high fat (LCHF) diet is reproducible.pdf (2.0 MB)
Pure gold.
They first mentioned my book a WHILE back when starting to discuss super-high carb fueling rates. I won’t link here to avoid being ridiculed for the shameless plug.
Here are some PDFs.
REVIEW, Rowlands2015_Article_FructoseGlucoseCompositeCarboh.pdf (785.1 KB)
YES! A year ago a found out I cannot digest gluten or casein (wheat/dairy) properly, and I have never had a greater love for potatoes (also, rice) than I do now. Especially sweet potatoes.
Within a week after stopping those foods I dropped 5lb (part fat, part water weight) and have never been leaner… and carbs are the bulk of my diet since I eat plant-based as well. I do however try and stay away from sugary things unless it’s a heavier training day. On my long weekend rides I love an oat-milk latte and big gf muffin to fuel
There is a LCHF researcher/doc out there (been a few years so I don’t recall his name) who did a study with athletes, incl very frequent lab testing, and his conclusion was that it took ~2 years for the body (mainly the liver) to become 100% “fat adapted”.
Pub’d in peer reviewed journal? Will read, if so.
That 2020 Burke article is about as airtight as it gets in research. I would love for someone to carry out a longer-term study with as tight of control as Burke has, at some point in the future!
Dr. Stephen Phinney.
Best I could do atm.
This looks like a 6-7-wk study discussion? Is there a 2-yr one?
Phinney cites his own previous work, almost exclusively. And it all points to weight loss as being primary benefit in his subjects though that is not directly mentioned in his discussion.
These folks lost 8kg, which fully explains their results:
These folks literally lowered their absolute VO2max, increased exercising VO2 (reduce their efficiency) and TTE was unchanged at very low exercise outputs, sans carb-fueling.
This is about as characteristic of the LCHF results as I’ve seen. Every time I bump into a new researcher or research article I’m honestly optimistic I’ll find something I haven’t yet seen. So far, not yet!
Post that 2-yr discussion one if you find it.