I need training tips and tips in general for a merckx style time trial in may 2020

the cours is 6.5 miles long and 2000 feet above sea level. it is a merckx style tt, so no aero bars or tt hilmets or disk wheels. this is the time trial prolog to a 2 day stage race. the time trial is the stage I feel that I have the best chance of winning. I would prefer not to buy any new parts for my bike, I would prefer just to trainb beter and suffer harder. the previos years the wining average was 27mph. my ftp is 199.99 watts, I weigh 150 lbs. my bike weighs 15.8lbs and its an aluminum bike! (with 50mm dep clincher wheels) my average cadence is typicaly 110rpm, my 5 second power is 950 watts, and my 1 minute power is 445watts, and my 5 minute power is 400 watts. if anyone has nutrsional tips and training tips it please share them. note my highest gear is 52X14 because of some gear ratios regulations at the event.

Work on your position. Similar to proper TT training, figure out your “TT” position and do your training in it. Free speed and will make the most difference.
Get a good speed suit that is tight with no wrinkles, good aero helmet, velotoze.


pretty simple

ride in the drops a lot

do you intervals in the drops

if this is a goal race, then about a month before the event do some 6.5 mile intervals on a similar course, in the drops

and ride in the drops a lot

ok, I can train on the actual course of the event

Riding in the drops may or may not be the most aero for you…many people are more aero on their hoods because their forearms are flatter and therefore “out of the wind” . Vertical round tubes (i.e. your forearms in this case) are the worst possible shape for aero.

make sure you learn to “shrug”…that will help lower your head and make you are aero as possible. For me, “shrugging” involves “collapsing” my shoulder blades towards each other. This will lower your body and especially your head. And for such a short TT, you should be able to easily hold it.

Use an aero helmet (at least an aero road helmet) and as noted above, make sure your kit is very smooth w/ no wrinkles. A LS skinsuit would be a great choice (assuming it fits properly).

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