I want to train outside, how don't I screw my plan too much?

In 5 weeks I’m planning on doing Amstel Gold Race 150km (tour).

So it’s time to go outside and test some hills (or at least the best I can do in the part of NL), and also I want to go for a longer ride to test Nutrition, etc…


This is what my current schedule looks like, how can I introduce this 3H ride without hurting too much my plan?

What I’m thinking is just remove the Sweet spot and endurace workouts and do the 3H bike ride. What I’m thinking is better to scrafice the SS the the Threshold session.

The ride I’m planning would look something like this to have any kinda resemblance of hills:

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If it was me; I would change the endurance ride to a 3 hour outside ride in zone 2. I live where there are hills so I’m out of zone 2 often but that’s ok for me.

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hey thats nice, im riding the 150km amstel as well.

I just do a 3h endurance ride on sunday outside, replacing the existing endurance ride. Just to give an insight, my schedule looks like this, where I sometimes replace sundays ride with a longer endurance ride;


Het @tuxedotrainer,

Good question!

What I typically recommend that athletes do in these situations is to replace the scheduled workout that best fits the type of ride that they’re planning.

For instance, if you’re going to be riding around Z2, then, like the others have said, put your Endurance ride on the day of your outside ride.

If you’re going to be riding at or slightly above threshold, then move your Threshold ride to that day.

You don’t have to follow the structure of the workout, but moving things around a bit will help you keep your training budget in check. In the case of a threshold ride, then you know that your Threshold workout is out of the way, and you won’t be tempted to take it on later in the week.

You’ve got a mix of just about everything on your schedule, so moving forward, you’ll just need to plan ahead and move things around based on the type of effort you’re looking to do.


Thanks for everyone reply.

That’s what I was wondering, because I don’t plan to take it full gas but also not endurance pace.

I was planning on going endurance on the first 20km and last 20km (to and back from the forest), and then push a SS to Threshold for the middle part of the ride.

So I guess I will do threshold today, and move both workouts to the same day:

Something like this. I expect it to immediately give me a red day.