Hi all,
I’m trying to import outdoor rides into TR from my Wahoo Elemnt Bolt. I have the Bolt linked to DropBox, so I usually just import from there, but some of those files are not uploading to TR. If I go into my phone’s Wahoo app, I have tried to both a) export to my email, and then upload the .fit file to TR’s “Past Rides”, and also just drag and drop the file individually from DropBox. I can get the ride to show up, but it’s a ride from October 16th, and it’s adding the ride as one from today (October 22nd). Can’t seem to figure out how to do this correctly (for reference, the FIT file is named “2019-10-16-195657-ELEMNT EAD4-178-0.fit” so it doesn’t look as though the date is coded incorrectly). Any help much appreciated, thanks!