A sprinter that I coached before he turned to the track full time (and won a national title!) worked with me on technique.
It comes down to genetics. My high school basketball coach once observed that, were I to run a 100m dash against a woman six months pregnant, I’d finish third.
Hi there!
I am a new cyclist coming from running, 5’10’'x137lbs (178x62kg), so light as I’m coming from running
I live in Palma de Mallorca, there’s plenty of mountain of course but in group rides and racing there’s people pushing like crazy on flat as they’re big and trained. To hold their weels a lot of power is needed. Plus, the climbs aren’t that long and steep: most of them being 4 to 6km at 6% average.
I would like to understand the room I could have at this weight for increasing FTP (now I stand at 265)
Would it be a good idea to gain few kg to help a bump in FTP? I am already quite light so reaching 143lbs wouldn’t be like getting fat as a pig ahahahah
As I will start base from end of september would be a good moment to do some gym and gain what I need.
Any thoughts or advice?