@mcneese.chad LOL! Right on, man!
There’s the banger, right there!
I think we agree w each other, just living in different enviros / seeing from different perspectives.
I’m up here in the Canada… ‘Eh’?!?!
These [15 C = 59 F, 20 - 30% RH] ain’t extremes. That’s a relatively warm, brilliant riding day. I honestly prefer 14 - 18 C to >25. It’s not cold, you can dress for it, and then you get to stay cool and absolutely crank it, and not sweat bags and bags of liquid.
But ya, my fan is insane. That’s def an outlier. I only run it on speed 1/3.
Again… I think the inside guys that are really really crushing it have probably gone a bit nuts w the fans… but that may be incorrect!
All spinning back to OP’s central idea, exactly as you said, @mcneese.chad ; you’re using your fans [and temp control] to try to replicate the cooling you get outside. Not necessarily to triple it.
I could be wrong, but I think OP didn’t mean to imply everyone should shut all their fans off forever, of course! [Not that you took that read, but some seem to have! ] , but rather he meant to say:
"Should we be turning our fans off? Shouldn’t we at least be thinking about it, and considering our rates of cooling, rather than just MAXXX BLAST EVERYTHING FOREVER!!! ? "
And on that, I definitely agree w them!