This is a bit of a vent and a bit of a plea for some clarity. To put into context, starting cycling end of 2019 at around 110kg (now 82kg) living a completely sedentary life. Completely inactive. I was diagnosed with Epilepsy which really turned everything around for me. I went from struggling to do 10km up to conquering 100km which was huge feat for me.
I started to get a injury in the beginning of 2023 and posted about it a few times on here looking for advice. It rounded out with me being diagnosed with FAI and a labral tear on my hip. MY symptoms are typical of FAI and a cycling physio spotted it pretty much instantly (dropping hip right side, knee out of alignment on upstroke, lower back pain, reduced ROM, VERY sore around front of hip and glute med area). I visited a hip surgeon, and had a injection and extensive physio which got be back on the bike with a some what niggling reocurring (although managable), as a large ditch effort i enrolled with a cycling coach for S&C with his help over the last 5 months i was back up to doing 70-80km without any symptoms occurring.
Typically, at the end of this month my time with him stops due to financial restraints. and my hip went again about a week ago. Nothing has changed, same S&C work, no increase in volume vs the previous 3 months (which relevant rest days/multiple days off). It has just completely blown me and set me back to where i was about 18 months ago. He said that its likely been irritated by the intervals but really, I’ve been doing the same interval sessions since the start of sept so im struggling to believe that.
I cant comprehend what has gone wrong and now I feel I’m back at a cross roads. My other option on the table is that i revisit the hip surgeon and go down the path of surgery. But I have read some really mixed reviews about what the surgery outcomes are, and given that for the past 3-4 months I’ve been fine, I feel like its a gamble as to if it makes anything better.
To aim towards something i managed to register onto the Mallorca 167 last week, which when has been a goal for a few years now, but will likely be seeing if i can refund that as it seems such a far stretch again.