Hi i have few questions regarding interval trainings. I have problems with some intervals especially when FTP score is more than 120% and long peak more than 30 seconds (ie Federal, Spickard +7 and similar). Usually i quit training after few minutes becouse ia out of power. Also when i slow down it is very hard increase pedaling. So my question is i should stop and forget this training or make brake rest few minutes and return to it ?
I’d drop my power a few watts or a couple %, and continue on… 118% isn’t a fail in my book. And I don’t like using ERG mode for the short, high intensity stuff.
Also, sometimes, if I’m not feeling overly confident about an interval session, I’ll go ahead and drop the power for the first interval (or the first minute of a 4 minute interval) a little so I can get that feel for high power and the high cadence in my legs.
Turn off erg, do what you can do IMO
You can have right i always use ERG mode. Problem with ERG is when my cadence is less than 60 rpm my Kickr Core is very stiff and i can not make any move. I will try next time change mode during training. Thanks a lot.
One more question some of you is using Schwinn smart bike, sometimes i using it with virtual power. I rhink the power output is lower than normar bike trainer. I usually add 50 wats to orginal training. Have you ever face this problem with wirtual power mode.
Turn off ERG. Let yourblegs dictate what you can do. Its better to get through the interval at a little lower power than stop half way.
In the future, there may be intervals that you are able to exceed the target.
Hey there,
As other athletes mentioned, turning off ERG mode may help, as might lowering the workout’s intensity.
You could also check out Workout Alternates to search for shorter/easier sessions if you don’t feel like you can complete a given workout.
In general, it’s best to push through and give it your best effort! If you’re really struggling, though, and failing to complete intervals right at the start of a workout, it may be best to skip it for a recovery ride or some extra rest.
Those two are killer workouts. If you can’t manage them in erg mode you could (should?) find easier alternatives. I never understood why one would use resistance mode so they could cheat their way though a workout that is clearly to demanding.
If you have progressed your VO2 and threshold to those levels, did you complete all the previous ones in the plan that got you to those levels OK?
How big is the gap between the highest level VO2 workout that you completed and Federal?
How big is the gap between the highest level threshold workout that you completed and Spickard +7?
This is the correct question.
If you can squat 3 plates the next lift isn’t 4 plates - it’s 3 plates plus a couple of little plates.
This is Federal i can make small part of it and than my power is dropping very fast. I am not able pedaling with low rpm (less than 50) on my kickr core, it is very hard and barely moving. I am training for XC stages, distances 50-70 km and climbing elevation 1800 - 2600 m, 3-5 days of riding.
What level is that workout and what is the level of the hardest similar workout you’ve successfully completed recently?
If the gap is too big then the solution is easy - choose a more sensible workout, because you’re asking your body to do something it’s not (yet) able to do.
Federal is VO2 Max 10.2 consisting of 5x 3.5 minutes at 126%, with 2 minute rests between.
Seeing a fail on the third interval and nearly a fail on the second makes me ask exactly the same question to @MarcinWaw : what VO2 progression have you done to get you here?
Them’s big numbers. The sort of VO2 Max workout you’d only give to an athlete with a very big anaerobic capacity.
Every training year i am using training plan from TR. Last years it was 3 days per week. Low volume XC maraton. In addition i was riding outside to increase technique skils. I tried AI FTP but it was to big number for me around 330W. So I keept my FTP on 290 level. Strange for me is that riding outside i can climbe long time with 400-450W power. When i am using trainer with same values i can not resist more than 30 sec.
OK. I think at least 3 of us now have asked the same question and you’ve still not answered it
Two different power meters?
It’s extremely common to have different “FTPs” indoors and outdoors for a wide variety of reasons. Dylan Johnson brought it up again recently on a podcast that he doesn’t like training indoors because he can’t hit is target powers inside and is consistently 30W lower. While this might not be the case for everyone, especially those who train a lot indoors, it is for a lot of people. While TR has highlighted some pro’s that train indoors, the vast majority do the bulk of their training outdoors. Even those featured on TR podcasts like Keegan, Sofia, and Hannah train primarily, if not exclusively, outdoors.
Tom Bell had a great article on this topic that’s been discussed in these forums before, but putting it in here for reference.
I’ll second the point that the workout you highlight are VERY VERY hard. However, it sounds like you are not really paying attention to TR’s AI FTP suggestion nor progression levels, so it’s hard to say what you’re experiencing.
To your specific point, no trainer feels smooth at low cadence in my experience. Anything below ~75 and it gets very stiff and jerky. Keep your cadence in the 85+ range and recognize that you’re not going to get quite the same workout as a long standing outdoor climb.
Note also that IME trainer and outdoor PM can easily be off by 10% or more. Try a factory spin down of your Kickr and/or put your outdoor bike on it and see if it’s way off.
What was the progression you succeeded in completing before failing this workout?
Are you deliberately pedalling at 50rpm?
This is more personal preference but I would definitely consider doing vo2 max work in resistance mode.
At home Kickr Core trainer calibrated every training outside Quarq Dzero also calibrated before each ride.