🎉🎉🎉 Introducing Outside Workouts! 🎉🎉🎉

@GeorgeAnderson Thanks for bringing this one up! It looks like we have it figured out on our end, and we have an engineer working on it right now.

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The way I see this, TR have now the potential to disrupt their initial niche market to something much , much bigger.

There are riders out there who have the luxury of having perfect weather 99% of the year, and they hate the turbo.

With this, they can continue riding outside, but now with structure.

Brilliant feature, I hope you guys blow up your subscriber base.

Cant wait to try it out


@Nate_Pearson should we file support tickets for any text fixups or enhancements?

For example Lion Rock outside becomes Old Shoe:

Warm Up:

  • Ride for 10 minutes gradually raising your power from 116 to 186.
  • 5 minutes easy

Main Set:

  • 5x12 minutes where 2 minutes slightly below FTP, alternating with a single minute slightly above FTP. Something around 2 minutes at 210 watts followed by 1 minute at 245 watts.
  • 4 minutes easy after each interval.

Cool Down:

  • 3 minutes easy or longer if you have time

Two pieces of initial feedback:

  • Old Shoe total time listed is 90 minutes but total time in description is 94 minutes (15 minutes warm up; 76 minutes main set = 12+4, 12+4, 12+4, 12+4, 12; and 3 minutes cooldown)
  • I’m pretty sure the main set is 5x12 where each 12 min interval is 4 sets of “2 min @ 210 / 1 min @ 245” and so my text enhancement suggestion is to clarify with something like “5x12 minutes where each 12 minute interval is repeating 4 sub-intervals of 2 minutes slightly below FTP, followed by a single minute slightly above FTP. Something around 2 minutes at 210 watts followed by 1 minute at 245 watts, with those under/overs repeated 4 times for a total of 12 minutes of work.”
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@Nate_Pearson @Pete
In the LV Full Distance Tri base plan, it looks like the long aerobic rides (eg Big Mountain) have no outside equivalent. I know you can just do a longer aerobic ride outside easily enough but thought I’d point this out.

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Thank you! We have someone looking into this now.

Support ticket or respond on the early access feedback form on the early access page.


Thanks, and kudos to the team for AWESOME JOB on adding outside workouts!


I’m going into both my phone and mac versions of TrainerRoad and I’m not seeing the outside options. Has it not fully rolled out yet?

ETA: Nevermind, didn’t realize you had to activate it…just found that


Awesome news. Hoping the weather holds here so I can try it out this weekend!

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wink, blink,
Tomato, tomato,

Let’s call the whole thing off.

I actually had Dr Who, the Weeping Angels (“Don’t blink!!!”) in mind.


Weather turned glorious here. Binged the whole week outdoors, but racked every night with guilt and shame, the trainer gathering rust and cobwebs. Just as I was about to turn myself in and throw myself on the mercy of the court, I get a full pardon, out of the blue! Amazing.


I may be wrong, but if you have a Garmin you can create a bike workout in Garmin Connect that will sync with your head unit. I’ve never done it, but I may try with these new outdoor specific workouts. Unless there is something technical preventing that from working? @Nate_Pearson?


Rad new feature, well done TR team!

Yes, prior to TR I put Strava workouts into my Garmin. And then used that experience to do same with a handful of TR workouts on my Edge 520. Nice to have the lap page showing time remaining, but complying with my narrow 14W sweet spot zone outside is a challenge. For that reason, I applaud TR simplifying indoor workouts for use outside.

Long aerobic rides outside I don’t bother programming into head unit, for me zone 2 is roughly 125-175W so I’ve been working on learning how it feels to target 150W.


Just programmed Forbidden Peak into my Edge 1000. Was pretty easy, although I messed something up, target was 1:30, my workout came to 1:28, I’m sure I’ll survive. :wink:


This is awesome!

Feature Request: give us the option of displaying interval power targets as a % of FTP rather than only giving the exact power number.

It’s impossible to remember all these while out on the bike (example below), but if I could just remember the %'s of FTP, I set that as a field on my head unit and off I go. Eg: 120% for 90 seconds, 115% for 60 seconds, etc… Added bonus: as my FTP changes, I can keep doing the workout in the same manner rather than re-learning my new power targets.


So a silly question. Does my phone replace my head unit? Does the TR app need to read my speed/cadence sensor?

I currently run TR on a PC with a dongle. My Garmin speed/cadence sensors are not bt.

Not complaining. Just trying to plan to use TR outside.


@Nate_Pearson you could have mentioned that with calendar sync those outdoor workouts with text get synced also. In some situations this seems even simpler to have a quick look there than starting TR app.

I’ve been using the RPE of the existing workouts for gym bikes. Nice to have another option to see which might be easier to pull off on a bike without a power meter :+1:t3:

So we need to first select the outdoor version on the website, but then it removes the workout on the app on my iPhone?

Is that how this is supposed to be working?