IQ2 Power Meter

I know there was a post on the Facebook group about the IQ2 power meter. I was willing to take a punt at the price they were offering it at. Somehow I missed some updates. Check out the update posted on the Sep 10, 2018 • 2:46PM that has some real power numbers using the DC Rainmaker tool.

Has anyone else backed this project. I have never had a power meter before as they were so expensive. I saw Ray’s original video and he gave off a good vibe, but with the usual caveats, but I took the leap. I’m looking forward to it arriving.

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There’s not much in the way of solid data yet so I’m keeping an eye on it and if it actually comes to market might buy then


If the wide Q-factor isn’t an issue for you, then sure it’s worth a go. Sounds like they’re going to be very popular.

I wouldn’t roll the dice on a power meter that doesn’t have validated data and has been made available for a wide array of tests. The difference in price between this and the cheapest single sided power meters isn’t enough to be worth the gamble for me. Plenty of people can get 95% solutions on power meters, but the devil is very much in the details and I’ve seen too many other companies get close but never deliver (I was really pulling for brim brothers)


I just went for it with single sided. I am not necessarily too concerned about absolute accuracy, it’s more for interest so single-sided price was easy to take. Hopefully I’ll it before the New Year now that they are about to ship the first batch

aren’t you all scared off by the limits fiasco?

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Risks of being an early adopter. It’s not a lot of money of it doesn’t work or it will be a steal if it does. One of my “constraints” is I ride mostly fixed so unless I put down big money for an SRM Track crank I would have to go to a pedal based system anyways and they aren’t cheap. Time will tell

I felt the same way. I got a different vibe about IQ2. I was a bit surprised that Ray even mentioned it after what happened with Limits. The fact he mentioned it and the qualifications of the people behind it gave me a bit more faith. It was a huge amount of money. As I don’t have a power meter thought I would give it a go. I’m in the first 500 so hopefully will have it early December.

Latest update, although a bit slim, looks like they are getting closer to shipping the first units and they hinted at posting some data. Will be interesting to see how well they stack up against the current standards.

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I’m an early backer of them! Besides that I love to support new businesses, and they’re also from the Netherlands. I’d love to be able to be one of their early customers and hopefully get a good working power meter. And if the data isn’t as great as promised, that’s the risk of backing a crowd funding campaign.

Will write a review of it after receiving it and after having used it for a couple of months on my blog:

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Never buy a powermeter that doesn’t have the DCRainmaker stamp of approval: First Look: The IQ2 149€ Power Meter | DC Rainmaker


They have a new update. Some operational and optimizations and practicalities of the upcoming holiday season are causing predicted delivery into January. Not surprising for a first run. With over 2900 backers now, they best get it right - it will either be a huge breakthrough for them or another huge bust that will likely kill any more crowdfunded power meter development. They did post some more test data which is encouraging. DC Rainmaker Analyzer

The iQ Watts readings appear to be way off at times.

The iQ cadence readings appear to be way off too.

I’m guessing there is still lots of calibration work to be done. Is is power calculation or lag? It shows they aren’t way off track. Consistency is an important factor as much as accuracy. For cadence, I don’t think you can beat the good old magnet method.

Looks like they’ve been busy working on tuning and calibration. I hope they are putting the same amount of effort into tuning the power readings and calculations as they seem to be for cadence. Good see to see real data coming out though. Cycling Power Meter at a Breakthrough Price | Indiegogo

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I backed this project. They sent me an email last week saying they’d start shipping at the end of November. Then there was an email saying there will be a slight delay. I’m curious and excited to get the product!

I’ve backed too but at a later date so I don’t expect mine until early spring. I’m surprised they sent n email saying the are shipping soon. Their previous update was all about production issues that would cause them to slip the first deliveries into January. Not unexpected and they seem to be more engineer than business types

For £60 more is this a viable option?

I saw those and it looks OK but I have my personal doubts about something that is simply glued to the back of the crank arm vs an integrated unit. Too many variables introduced, is it on straight, is the physical interface good, is it going to fall off etc