IQ2 Power Meter

Yikes… September now. So December then, assuming they’re not out of business by that point?

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I think we agree on the month.

Remains to determine which year.


I was about buying a pair of road pedals.
But i find many people disapointed because of the delay.
Are you waiting since 2018 ? If yes, i can understand your angry.
They are talking about september for delivery, i’m wondering if i go or not … 300€ instead of 400€ for a pair.

If you buy from their site then you can’t really lose anything as long as you use a credit card (and you’re not in a rush for the pedals). Kickstarter and indiegogo are another story though.

I am going to assume you don’t know the full backstory to IQSquare Timelines. They might as well be saying 2040 at this point.


Until there is proof of them actually fulfilling orders there is a significant chance of losing 300€ instead of saving 100€… I would strongly advise you to wait until there is proof. If time is an issue, buy something else.

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Thanks for your replies.
Time is not an issue.
Will wait for first delivery.
See you

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I’ve been waiting since the very beginning for them as a spare pair.

If I were you I’d shop elsewhere or see where the land lies in October after the next 3 updates.

I will do that. Wait for the 1st delivery.
I don’t really need power meter. I’m a real amateur. But a little techno-geek.
But for this price, i think i can buy it.

Have raised a refund with PayPal as I bought them off their site after seeing the dc rainmaker review. Will keep you updated as to how this goes.

I ordered them after reading Ray’s preview as well, but after seeing all the delays and lack of updates I decided to cancel too. A simple email to them and I had a refund processed immediately.

Yeah, their site is pretty clear about refunds being available if you change your mind (for web orders, not kickstarter etc).

I’ve run out of popcorn…Again


I want dual sided pedal PMs. These are the only ones I can afford. Please Lord, make them ship soon and ship well!

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stick an order in the basket and don’t fully complete it, you’ll be amazed how many times they get in touch :wink:


You might be better off hunting down a set of p1 pedals on eBay :wink:

Someone posted on KS that they had an out for delivery notice from Netherlands Post but didn’t follow up with anything. Troll, plant? You would think that someone would follow up knowing the anticipation of any news.

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Believe it when I see it. IQ2 would be pasting it everywhere if they had shipped any units at all. I regret backing this project, and will likely end up with SRM X-powers long before IQ2 even ships any road pedals… let alone my dual sided mtb’s. I wanted the pods to run with my XTR trail pedals, not plastic body pedals three years after promised.


So the previously mentioned backer did post that he received pedals (left only PM) and posted Strava results. Not sure what you can read into that but responses on KS mirror those here as to why IQ2 didn’t post anything about it. Mind you, it really doesn’t matter what they post at this point good or bad news, they will get crapped on no matter what. Follow Jorg on Strava to see this activity. Join for free.

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That long dropout at the start is moderately concerning. I’m never sure how to read these things… are they using a standalone cadence sensor or is it all coming from the pedals?

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