Is the Vegan cyclist a National Champion?

Says he’s a national champion

When there is no championship for his event

Then wears a jersey

I can tell this is going to be a fun thread!



Wait, wait…hang on a second.

Popcorn Gif Imgur

OK, I’m ready. :crazy_face:


I’m guessing it was this post that may have triggered @ABG…gotta admit I had a similar thought re: the claimed national championship. :man_shrugging:t2:

That 100% triggered me.

I don’t like the use of made up stuff to move your agenda forward.

Now I really want to beat vegan cyclist at the end of the month


What’s required to claim a national championship?

Does the event say it’s a national championship?



Well you can’t really find a link to the “national championship “

It’s made up since WUCA is made up. The numbers for the event are pretty amazing 508 miles in 26 hours. Amazing result, but don’t say you’re a national champion.

It’s like being a feed “ambassador”, you got a discount for filling out a form.


Absolutely not arguing here because I know ZERO about this topic…but following your link, the event claimed he was the champ…does he also claim that? Just checking because it’s an important distinction. If he also claims it without actually winning the title, yeah, that’s pretty poor.

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All these YouTubers are first and foremost entertainers. Don’t believe anything they say. They’ll do anything for clicks or an endorsement.


Also, I’m disappointed after reading the title. I thought there was going to be a pic of him slamming down some brisket.


A cursory look in the google shows me a female solo result that also seems to be under the impression she won the “2022 Ultra Distance TT National Championship”.

Seems like this boils down whether this is a USA Cycling recognized event. Seems like the USAC recognized stuff titles itself “-year- USA Cycling --event name here-- National Championships”.

According to this (completely untrustworthy report):

it’s actually the “Silverstate 508” and I dunno… maybe they were selling it that way but I can’t really tell.

(edit: fix my link)

I have no idea…I just had seen the post and figured it was what got ABG going so I added it for context.

I think the issue is that there is no ultra-distance national champ event…at least not one recognized by USAC.

My buddies and I won the ABR “National” Team Trial Championship back in 2019(?)…got jerseys and everything (that I have never even tried on!). But I sure don’t portend to be a “national champion”.


Its Youtube - you can find his video’s on the races and watch them - they are free. He very openly talks about this topic.


My buddy won an abr jersey also. Was interesting to see him ride with a true national champion and a world champion at the same time.

The self promotion at what point hurts real racers

Dust bowl should support Andrew dillman a real
National champion.

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I’m a huge fan of Tyler’s (VC) content. He’s an awesome storyteller, a legit filmmaker and just seems like a genuinely good person.

His leaning in on “current, 2-time, ultra-distance national champion” is a bit goofy, I’ll admit. From what I can tell, it’s a cool, but fringe event that’s self-declared itself as a “national championship,” not a USAC championship. The size and quality of the field is more than a bit suspect.

But the guy’s truly the furthest thing from a fraud. He’s painfully honest about his strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures. That includes as a person, husband and dad. It also includes all the facts in the paragraph above.


Would love to see Dillman show up at DB….honestly, I little surprised he isn’t since he is not doing Leadville.

He’s a prior winner also.

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His content about unbound in 2023 was very good.