Is there a way to update all rides from outdoor to indoor?

Setup plan builder and had all the weekend rides outdoors.
Is there a way to automatically update them so they are all indoors?

UK user here and we’re on lockdown - may do the odd outdoor rides still, but most of them will now be on the turbo until further notice

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Hey there!

You can adjust the indoor/outdoor defaults for entire plans by following this procedure:

  1. Click the Annotation for the individual training plan. It will say either Base, Build, or Specialty.

  2. Then, go through and select “Indoor” for each of the workouts in the options menu

  3. Click Update, and your workouts will all be indoor workouts by default.

Hope this helps!

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are you guys not able to ride outside at all, period?

I ask because we have a lockdown order in washington state, but fitness and recreation are exempted, provided that you do it either solo or at least six feet apart from others. You’d also have to be very, very careful (don’t want to soak up scarce medical resources by crashing on a descent or something like that).

brilliant thanks

We are currently allowed one outside exercise a day - solo obviously. We are allowed to shop for essentials once a day. Like you, I’m slightly worried about an accident and ending up in hospital. I don’t want to take up a valuable space in a bed. The same goes for driving incidentally. Why risk it at the present time.

I’ll do the workouts indoors, don’t want to be trying to do an interval and crashing. I will ride outside, but for leisure, carefully and probably doing the shopping that way.

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I just tried switching from Outside to Inside following the outlined steps above but my plan still shows all of these workouts as Outside despite change and save. I tried restarting app couple of times but it still defaults workouts to Outside and it doesn’t seem to change or allow me to do Inside version.

I suggest emailing for review and help. Bryce in particular is not working at TR now. So best to get in touch with support.

I tried to take a look at this with the help of the support team, but it looks like you may be experiencing a weird edge case, so instead, support will reach out to you to help get this resolved. Sorry for the trouble!

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Thanks Ivy and Tech team for resolving this quickly :slight_smile:

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Quite funny reading this now, because this was never true (the once a day thing).

I’m trying to do the opposite (switch preferences from indoor to outdoor, because I accidentally accepted the default indoor but I almost never ride indoors) but I don’t see any way to access annotations for the plan I’ve selected at all – has this changed in the years since this question was asked?

Hey Timothy!

This option will only appear for Custom Plans built in Plan Builder. The option to make this change (as well as changes to Plan Volume and your default training days) will not show for Ad Hoc Plans, which you have in your Calendar at the moment. You did not build your Plan using Plan Builder.

No stress, though; to change whether your Workouts default to Inside or Outside for Ad Hoc Plans, you can simply rebuild your Plan.

To do this, we will delete your current Training Plan and rebuild it ensuring to select Outdoor rides as the default. Deleting your Plan will not delete any of the Workouts you have completed thus far.
We will rebuild it using the original start date of your Plan so that we account for the work you have done throughout the Training Plan until this point.

To rebuild your Plan:

  1. Make a note of the start date of your current Plan. In your case, this is the 26th of September 2022, Short Power Build Mid Volume.

  2. Delete your current Plan. Check out this article to learn how: Delete/Unschedule a TrainerRoad Plan.

  3. Go to the Training Plans tab, then select the Build Phase, and select Short Power Build> Mid Volume.

  4. This will open a preview of the Plan. Select Add to Calendar (top right corner).

  5. After you select whether you’d like to use AI FTP detection or not, you will be prompted to Choose Workout Days. In this section, you can also select what days you’d like Workouts to default to Inside or Outside. See the screenshot below.

  6. Once you have selected the days you’d like to ride and whether those Workouts default to Inside or Outside, hit Next.

  7. When selecting the Start date, make sure to select the original start date of your Plan. In your case, this was the 26th of September, 2022. This will ensure we account for the work you have done up until this point when rebuilding your Plan.

  8. Then hit Add!

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions about this, Timothy!

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