Is this Castelli sale legit?

I’m thinking way too cheap, has to be counterfeit knock offs or a malicious site.

Clearly a scam. :eyes:


I don’t think you could make it more obviously a scam….

Yeah, that’s a hard no.

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You could easily check and see it was registered 17 days ago from CN.


That is what I figured…Tried to report it on FB and IG as a scam/impersonation. You get through the report and then you can’t submit it. Total BS.

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I saw that too but as soon as I saw the prices and that every single item showed in stock in every size it was just wayyyy too good to be true.

scam site
this is the real site


Gotta be honest, I feel I usually have a pretty good sense for scams, but that site seems pretty well done actually. The domain is off, but on mobile isn’t immediately obvious. If it was branded as a warehouse clearing event or something I might actually get tricked by that. The checkout process might give it away or more digging into the site, but at first glance it’s pretty well done

Haven’t you heard? They apparently don’t care. Sad too…

I have only bought one thing via a FB group, and I paid more than I should have, but I got what I thought I bought. It was my first smart trainer ironically…

That sight popped up for me today also, prices/availability were just silly. With all the effort they put into faking the site (it looks damn good), you think they’d be smart enough to make it look somewhat realistic.

And that’s how ‘they’ get you! If it’s a brand with an odd spelling, or even not, some scammer will setup their trap site on a slightly different URL, and people get scammed.

Like Try, not that it’s a scam, but they do clothes for younglings. Spelling counts with URL’s…

I had to check, but also works with, good for them…

And sometimes it’s just little misspellings, or awkward verbiage that will alert people.

My bank complained that I never called them when they were sending me emails asking me to call. I told them I get tons of emails from banks I don’t even have an account with, so in the future CALL ME!! :roll_eyes: I got an AMEX email that looked so good, even Amex was impressed…

I don’t know @robcow, little misspellings are everywhere, or could GRWOLF! be a bot account?

My grammer and long endles ramblings are to crappie to be AI/BOT. What’s funny is that i spelled it right once and wrong once, so I’m not even consistently bad.

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It is, but I would encourage everyone to apply the same level of scepticism to any site, any email received, message, tweet, and so on.

It’s because they are using shopify software. Anytime I find too good to be true prices on google shopping, it’s always a shopify shop which now makes me leery of anything to do with shopify.


Saw that, and a few weeks earlier was getting the same for Garmin products, like a 1050 for $150. Nope.

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You know it’s a scam because the website works too well, the normal castelli website is a total shambles.