@Nate_Pearson, @Jonathan and @chad are talking about consistency all the time, and we all know it, beeing consistent with your training feels awesome! Why not reinforce/evaluate/measure it like TSS does for stress, and on both the workout and global/training-plan level.
It shouldn’t be too hard , I am still baffled that TP could copyright an easy “formula” like TSS or NP…
avg of (percentage of the planned workouts completed, percentage of planned TSS completed, percentage of planned workout time completed)
You could calculate it on a per week/month/year basis. Copyright pending and shortened from “did you show up and do something or were you lazy and watched netflix”
If we’re wanting a measure of consistency then I feel like the standard deviation of your weekly TSS for 6 weeks would probably best represent that and be a very simple setup. The lower the standard deviation the more consistent you are and the higher, the more variable your weekly TSS is.