About five months ago I started getting a 2/10 ache in my right hamstring, sometimes after long rides but mostly noticeable off the bike.
I use dual side Assiomas so have seen a gradual power imbalance develop that is currently 53/47.
To try and fix this I have stretched religiously, yoga 2-3 times a week, physio visits, bike fit, gym work, strength work, pretty much everything. It ain’t working.
My latest theory is that the imbalance has become ingrained and that ILT drills could be a way to get right leg firing again.
Anyone else had similar? Am I going to do more harm or good with a January focused on ILT, sweet spot and zone 2 rides.
Is the strength disparity borne out at the gym if you lift weights independently with each leg? With all the yoga, is your flexibility the same on both sides?
Have you spotted any other signs of asymmetry anywhere? Are the cleat positions symmetrical for starters? Check the heel and toe position is similar against the end of a table to be sure. Did your fitter look for a functional, as well as an anatomical, leg length difference?
Things to look for: Heel drop on one side, saddle wear to one side, crank rub, sweat dropping to one side on the turbo (with the fan off), hands not in the same place relative to the hoods.
Often when I look at the data on my fitting jig I can see that the cyclists ‘supposed’ stronger leg is compensating for the ‘apparent’ weaker leg by helping it get around the back of the pedal stroke, i.e. the 7 to 12 o clock position. The ‘apparent’ weaker leg is pushing down against the crank direction of rotation and is less efficient when coming around the back, thus the opposite leg pushes harder to compensate and appears stronger. Checking if some of the imbalance disappears with a reduction in crank length might be useful.