It would be great if the TR app would not usurp control over any trainer in range

No new device needed. The solution is as simple as Closing TR, not Minimizing TR as is being done per the OP. TR is still working when Minimized which is intended function and something I want. If a user wants to have TR “off”, they should properly Close it.


Yeah, but I’m married, and getting the wife to do things that seem to make total sense to me sometimes escape her. I love her to death, but there are times when… It’s better to AVOID problems like this than hoping the other person voluntarily modifies their baked in routine 100% of the time. Getting a Mini would just save time and anger/frustration. Yeah, it’s surrender, but the OP needs to figure out how lovely continuing this issue is over just avoiding it. Married for 41 years. Pick your battles and do whatever you can to keep things going. He could call it an ‘upgrade’, and solve the problem. (Unless she refuses to use it)

But even a shared device for the TR app introduces another step. They’d need to log out / log in each time they swap. So fixing one thing add a new complication vs 2 separate devices.

Whatever works, works. But as the saying goes, “there’s no free lunch” so there will still be some work needed by both parties when sharing a single trainer.

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So using ONE device to run TrainerRoad, ‘solves’ the problem. Sorry that’s not obvious. It also lessons the drama of moving notebooks around and plugging things in, etc, and that wear and tear. And I recommended a mini over the AppleTV which has some huge limitations. :person_shrugging:

Sorry dude, but I have NO skin in this game, was just pointing out that you hadn’t read the OP post and were responding to a differenent question

I live alone, have no wife and don’t share my trainer with anybody, and don’t use TR, I really do not care about this thread :woman_shrugging:

But buying another device rather than asking for TR to close the connection when not in use, seems like a very consummer society way to fix a issue, especially when they have a couple of devices that already run TR ok and Zwift, I really don’t see what the big deal about asking TR to close the connection is :woman_shrugging: … don’t ask don’t get , if you get less land fill


But I CAN see people leaving TR up and running 24/7 for convenience, so telling TR to kill idle sessions seems a little harsh for something that, to be honest should be an automatic sign of respect for other riders in that house. Especially since he’s tried to get her to close it out before.

Running TR on a mini would be an upgrade from notebook usage as it would need a tv, or HDMI capable monitor, so wouldn’t be a lose-lose necessarily, but I get it. A lot of people use ATV’s, and seem to like it. I, personally speaking, didn’t like the ‘notebook way’ as the fans spinning so much were a distraction, and got me wondering longevity of cooking it like that while riding.

But to each their own. (Asking for changes in Zwift have been met with shrugs, and ‘eventually they might get around to it’ responses. The more we as users can do for ourselves, the better OUR lives can be is all I was pointing out)

I think all he his asking for is TR to only interact with the Trainer when doing a workout, why have a BT active link to a trainer when looking at the calender / browsing workouts ? … whats harsh about that

But like I said before … you’re mistaking me for somebody who cares

Sure TR could drop the connection after the ride is done, but not everyone ends TR after a workout. So bringing it up, dropping it, bringing it up, dropping it…


To me, both make sense. Training the ‘her’ in the story also makes sense, and the OP hunting down her notebook and making sure it’s not still in TR before a workout makes sense, shutting down her notebook makes sense, dropping the trainer on her notebook might too.

I was just speaking from my efforts at ‘training the wife’, and, no offense meant, as a joke: I have better luck with our dog. (She’ll probably say the same thing about me too :person_shrugging:) OP: Good luck!

Bro this is NOT a solution. And as stated, having the app open NOT inside a workout takes control of an in use trainer.

The real solution is to not take control until a workout is started and releasing control when the workout ends.

How is that not a solution? It is perfectly understandable to actually close the program instead of minimizing it.

You either click the - icon to minimize it or the X icon to close it…I don’t see how there is a substantive difference between the two. You still click on an icon.


Reminder to please follow rule #1 of our forum, “Be excellent to each other.”


You’re assuming this is a TR side issue and not a trainer side issue. Her opening TR may not be TR taking it but rather the trainer giving itself to TR once it sees it can can connect to something else. Without this it would be difficult for people to use things like TR and zwift together, or companion apps. Or even have it connect to setup a device for calibration/spin down.

It is annoying thing to deal with for sure, but as noted, closing the app vs minimizing isn’t necessarily asking anyone to do any extra work.


I don’t necessarily see this as a solution either. If sure that there are countless people out there that use the time between app startup and workout start for final prep… putting on shoes, grabbing a towel, etc, so IMO, this is the perfect time for the connection to be made.

While it doesn’t take long to make the trainer connection, going this route now potentially has users waiting to start their workouts until after the connection happens.

Just my 2 cents.

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Zwift taking an absolute age to find and pair with my trainer is an absolute ball ache. I love the TR stays connected and is ready to roll whenever I am, no extra waiting involved.

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I was going to post something similar. The TR app needs to have control of the trainer before the workout is started so it knows when the work has started.

The trainer connection to TR could be established at the time the rider clicks to load the workout. There is no auto-load of a workout right now so trainer control is not “essential” at that time, though I don’t see a problem with the direct connection at the time the app opens.

A related item is possible use of the trainer when viewing the Device tab. I have done several tests over the years with Devices opened, having the trainer in Resistance or Standard mode so I can pedal at various levels, and then compare to 1 or more power meters live. This is a time when the direct trainer connection is useful as well.


I completely agree with this as well and something I do myself. Before I start any workout, I’m always in the devices tab FIRST to check two things…

  1. that my devices ARE connected
  2. that powermatch between my assiomas and Kickr CORE is behaving as expecteded.

If the current functionality for trainer connection were to change to workout start, that precheck goes away.

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