This happens fairly regularly in my house. Probably with any multi athlete house. You are unable to open the TR app while someone else is using the trainer without taking over control of that trainer and messing up the other persons workout.
I’ll be riding in zwift minding my own business. My gf wakes up her computer with TR simply minimized after completing her workout from earlier in the day. My trainer goes dead and no longer takes resistance from zwift. So I have to yell over to her to close the app.
Or popping the app up on your phone to check your calendar or to see how your last workout went always takes control over the trainer.
TR should only control any trainer that has been actively paired from the Devices screen. If you had previously paired to a trainer for any reason, you may need to “forget” that one from the Devices menus.
Do note that all devices compatible with the BLE and/or ANT+ option of your device will show as options in the Devices screen (including the power & cadence data if they are in use). But they will NOT have control unless you click to activate that device.
If those connections are still happening after using the forget option, have you contacted support about this specifically? Because that should not be happening and has not been my experience despite sharing a room and riding time with my wife between our trainers.
I get what its doing, but that’s my problem. It’s ridiculous. The TR app shouldn’t be taking control of the trainer until a workout is started not just hanging out on the calendar screen.
Sorry to hear about the trouble – I’ll pass this info along to the rest of the team so we can investigate what might be going on.
In the meantime, as @mcneese.chad mentioned, have you already tried “forgetting” devices that don’t need to be paired up together? For example, if your trainer is paired to your girlfriend’s computer but you don’t use her computer to train, could you unpair it? Or is this an instance where you both share the trainer but ride at different times?
Certainly not, and this is the same basic setup. TR won’t pair to devices randomly. It only connects if you have actively selected to pair it previously. If you did this with the alternate trainer, you need to forget it.
Once that is done, it won’t automatically reconnect to that device with control.
I think the OPs issue is that two people are sharing a trainer.
They don’t want to forget the devices every time they finish a workout because they would have to repair next time.
But currently that’s the only option other than refrain from opening the app when the other person is using the trainer… but they want to open the app to look at their calendar for example.
The OPs request is for the TR app to only look for devices when a workout is started so that they can open the app without taking control of the shared trainer.
OK, rereading I can see that now (wasn’t obvious to my first read).
If it is a single trainer, but getting controlled by two apps, the simple solution seems to be just close the app that is no longer in use. Once done, that will release any option for TR to mess up Zwift (if I read the use case right now).
This all seems to be known per:
I think this is a use issue where closing the TR app (not just minimizing it), is the clear choice. I know I would NOT want TR to drop connections with a minimized app, because I do that regularly with my use on my PC.
Rocking out to some Peppa pig jams with my daughter on the “Alexa”. Partner hops in her car to run an errand and puts a podcast on. Switches what we are listening to on the the Alexa to the podcast.
Not excusing this behavior, but my wife’s old Fenix did exactly the same thing. If it was turned on, it would grab control of our SB20 when I was using TR, and I’d have to get her to power off her Fenix
Somewhat similar, I have a number of bikes’ sensors paired with my Garmin. It’ll grab onto the first active sensors it sees, like if I move my gravel bike and wake up any of its sensors when getting to the road bike, the Garmin will latch onto those gravel bike sensors. It doesn’t know which bike I’m intending to ride.
How’s that? I’ve used ANT+ almost exclusively for years, including now with TR. In my experience, it doesn’t matter which is used, TR or my Garmin will latch on to the first paired device it sees. If anything, BT can be better because BT is exclusive to whichever device it’s actively using whereas ANT+ can be active with multiple devices at the same time.
I’m using the PC version of the app with an ant + dongle.
The only finesse required is letting the indoor trainer pair to zwift first and then plugging in an ant+ dongle to my laptop to use TR. TR app has an option to only use ANT + and disable bluetooth, so I am guessing that the issue is actually on the end of zwift or the trainer where it does not want to share bluetooth connection at all or it will lose signal.
I think the confusion creeping into this thread, is that the OP is not talking about a single user, they are talking about they and their partner both having TR on their separate devices and both trying to control and take connection to the trainer, even when not actually doing a workout.
So I think there is more than one conversation/understanding of the problem going on in this thread