Hi TR gang!
I just have a question on what would be recommended to do. I finished SSBMV on Jun 14. I then proceeded to spend the next 6 weeks having rides all over the place. A lot more outdoor rides + some workouts and then spent the last 3 mostly taking time off due to minor injuries/soreness in the back. You can see the calendar in the screenshot.
I’ve definitely feel like I’ve lost some fitness I think so the question is should I still do more build phase now? Redo SSB2? Start maybe the last 2 weeks of SSB2 and then go build? What would you recommend?
Do you have a target event or time goal for your fitness?
Have you tried using Plan Builder to see what it suggests?
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was going to ask the same as Chad
Hey Chad,
No target event or time goal. Just trying to hit close to 5w/kg over the course of a few years.
Plan builder recommends starting from scratch again with SSB1.
- Sure, that is likely because you set it with no end date, and the other choices you made for experience.
As a simple solution, restarting with SSB2 may be a reasonable shortcut, if you feel you still have enough “Base” from your recent riding. If that is not enough, a full reset seems right to me, since you have not dates in mind.