Leadville 2024 team selection/corral improvement

With the lottery quickly approaching a group of 4 of us who are looking to make it to Leadville have decided to sign up as a team. If I understand it correctly lottery goes to the white corral. Obviously I’d like to be further up if possible and have plans to do the Lutsen 99er again this year. Last year I was only 5 minutes short of the red corral time but unfortunately didn’t make it to Leadville. I have tried to find the answer to my question but have been unable to do so. If i sign up as a team, am I still able to race my way to a better corral time? Or do I have to stay in the corral with the team/group i sign up with?

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team sign up is just “all or nothing” entry for everyone. Once you are in, the team thing doesn’t affect anything.


I got in on a team last year, we used the Silver Rush 50 for a better start corral and each moved up to different corral, so yes do Lutsen again to move yourself up regardless of what your teammates do.

Good luck