Legacy Pricing of TR

But we were promised legacy pricing. Doesn’t matter how much extra we get. We were promised legacy pricing for continuing to subscribe. If we broke that commitment we would have to resubscribe at the current market rate. Many of us didn’t leave even when we weren’t using the product based on that promise that @Nate_Pearson made. I didn’t ask for it, he gave it. It was a big selling point to me and a reason I stayed loyal. Going back on that promise would feel like a betrayal.


No, not at all. That is TR’s decision to make.

I’m just saying that I would not take the comments from this thread as reflective of the overall Legacy users. While I don’t know the actual numbers of those that are Legacy obviously, I feel pretty safe saying that those responding here are a small, but vocal minority of the overall group.

They could well be indicative of the larger group, or not. It is pretty easy to say “If you break the promise, I’m outta here” but how many will actually do it in practice? I’d be willing to bet less than 25% of those saying they would cancel…

It is like doing a large consumer research project and drawing conclusions based one focus group…when you have many more still to conduct. Just not enough data to draw any conclusions at this point.


Maybe some view it as a promise that they will leave if it is broken. I dont care if he changes pricing as it will still be what am I getting for my money. Price it too high and I wont stay on an annual basis regardless of features.

I get that, and KISS, but I think the analogies some of the posters are making don’t ring true - this isn’t MS Office.

Two different use cases doesn’t make for two different products.

And I will just lay this out there - does random training, when you feel like it, honestly make you faster?

You might merge some of the features under a single heading, or maybe alter what is currently plan builder to say ’My Goal’ - could be a specific event, could be “getting faster”, could even be “losing weight”, and that journey sometimes outputs a structured plan, sometimes it has self selected train now style options day to day.


Yes it would. I’d leave. As I mentioned. @Nate_Pearson made a promise. For that I took his word and have held my side of the bargain…i.e continued to subscribe even when I haven’t been using the software. That commitment to “never raise my price” received my loyalty. Tr made that promise, I never asked for it or expected it. They made that promise not just to reward loyalty but to keep the revenue flowing outside of the “indoor season” It was probably a bad decision… But that’s on them.

I have no problem with them changing their mind and charging for extras. Financially it’s probably the thing to do. Personally it would leave a bad taste in mouth and I’d leave on principal. Many others would do the same…many others wouldn’t. That’s the gamble they would have to take.


Well said, I too kept my sub based on the promise, I’ve gone literally years without using at a stretch based on being rewarded for my loyalty.


Zwift isn’t miles cheaper if you’re on a legacy price with TR - it’s more expensive for me personally. $12/mo for TR and £12.99/mo for Zwift.

Intervals predicts your FTP based on performance and is free - drawing a power curve for each ride and picking a point along it to estimate FTP from is not hard to do. It’s how Zwift’s ride FTP estimate works too. TR already draws your power curve and tells you if you have PRs etc along it, but why they’ve not chosen to use that as a trigger for an FTP update (or at least, a nudge to test) is a question for @Nate_Pearson since it’s not hard - they must have decided not to do that for another reason (probably with the old plans it would have messed with the structure as they were designed with some level of gains baked into the progression).

Point on the adaptions in Xert is totally fair, but I think when TR is able to properly account for outdoor rides in your PLs it’ll be good. I don’t know enough about how Xert does it but I understand its based on a physiological model whereas TR’s is based on data? No idea which would technically better.

Workout creator - haven’t used the TR one since 2017 at least but I remember it being totally fine. Better than the Zwift one which I tried last year and is absolutely rubbish. However I’ve not felt the need to bother again given the size of TR’s catalogue - never really struggled to find a ride that fit.

They can’t win unfortunately - when they keep stuff quiet on new feature dates etc. people on here go nuts…


Maybe that’s part of the draw… :wink:


I was talking about the current price… But I actually stand corrected… It’s about the same price if you compare annual TR to monthly Zwift. My bad, I’ll amend my comment.

I made an analogy regarding MS Office… not because I think TR should be like that, but because that at least has a degree of clarity if the product is going to be bifurcated.

Personally, I think what you suggest is far better. Give TR a goal and let it decide how to help you achieve it.

Plan Builder was clearly a stepping stone towards AT, and not sure it’s really that great (I have to play with it a LOT to get it to meet my requirements).

But some way of discovering my goal, when it is, how much time I have to train to achieve it and then just telling me what to do seems to be the basic premise of the whole offering. Basically, that’s what you would pay a coach or personal trainer for anyway.


Ok understood and agreed - but I’m pretty sure he has a handle on that.

What are your requirements?


I disagree. I very rarely come to the Forum unless I have a very specific need. When I heard what @Nate_Pearson said on the podcast, I came here to share my feelings/opinions. If he hadn’t said anything, I wouldn’t have bothered to log in to find out/argue, etc.

While I think the Forum can be useful, I doubt it’s highly reflective of the majority of TR users.

I worked for 20 years in tech comms. I’ve never known a CEO to share as much as Nate does. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but it’s certainly unique. I’m very glad he’s so passionate, but I’m not sure he has done himself any favours this time.

It would be interesting to know what drives people to sign up for TR and what makes them stay. I doubt it’s this kind of stuff.

Thanks everyone for all of this. I love discussing TR with everyone and I always learn more and understand our athletes better.

The REALLY passionate people are passionate because they are invested and that’s a good thing. I am sorry that bringing up the discussion has made a few people feel like we have betrayed them. I didn’t want that to happen.

But all in all I feel like I understand our athletes better than I did a week ago. I am grateful for that.


TR: CEO ask’s individual users what their requirements are, and genuinely tries to help
Other training company software: Customers plead for years for basics (Zwift calendars for events/races, decent UI … and so much more) and we get crickets.

Nate, Chad and Amber are very much draw cards for me with TR.


Thanks. I don’t feel betrayed. Hopefully one learning is that there is a depth of feeling amongst some of your customers that other brands would absolutely kill for.

Cherish that. Don’t squander it on throwaway lines in the podcast because it Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time :crazy_face:

I’m off to bed so I can get up and get back on the turbo before breakfast. It’s a horrible threshold workout and I may get through it a bit by swearing about you, but it’s coming from a place of love :heart_eyes:


As a triathlete, I want to crush my enemies, see them driven before me and hear the lamentation of their women.

But not everyone feels that way. Publicly.


I just want to continue being me. Maybe I’m like helping TR 90% of the time and hurting it 10%…but the good of me outweighs the bad…or at least that’s what I tell myself :smiley: .



Do high volume and don’t crack? :smiley: