Longitudinal graph of progression levels [Feature Request]

Is there anyway you can add a longitudinal graph of the progression levels so I can track my progress over time?



Iā€™m not sure this would make sense in the long term. The way I understand it, your progression levels ā€œresetā€ with each FTP test.


I thought that the reset to ā€œ4ā€ was a glitch. The ramp test may alter your numbers a bit but it would still be interesting to see how you progress or decay over time.

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I was wrong. They do indeed reset. Thanks. It still would be cool if there was a way to track long term gains

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This feature is on our roadmap! What it will look like and exactly how extensive the visibility will be is still ā€˜under constructionā€™. Stay tuned! :sunglasses: :v:


I would also like to compare my progression levels. Compare my level at the end of the month to when i started at the beginning of the month.

Iā€™m confused why this would be useful? Arenā€™t progression levels based against your FTP?

My progression levels could be the same as someone elseā€™s but our FTP/power curve might be very different. I know I would take more benefit from knowing my power changes over time.

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I get that my sweet spot and above might only move .1 or more. But I like to watch my endurance and tempo the most. So on the 1st of the month my tempo was say 3.0 and at the end of the month it is a 3.6. Thats what i like to watch. Just an example.

+1 for this feature. FWIW, Iā€™ve been tracking my PLs manually in Google Sheets and created a TR-looking bar chart and a Garmin Connect-looking line graph. On the bar chart newest data for each PL is toward the bottom, oldest at the top. This time period covers four months and coincided with the start of Sweet Spot Base MV. I then completed Sustained Power Build MV and am half way through Century Specialty MV.

On 30 July I took a ramp test and dropped 30 watts. I knew my FTP had dropped from peaking for my A event but 30 watts was too much. I manually split the difference (15 watt drop), which is the second grey diamond on the line chart. AT didnā€™t like all of the FTP changes and essentially reset all PLs but within a week threshold and VO2 were back up to where they should be, which is most of what SusPB focuses on so that all checks.

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While I understand curiosity, not sure of the value of tracking PLs given the levels are relative and can change after an update to your FTP estimate. :man_shrugging:


Agreed. I track it because Iā€™m curious. Also, itā€™s nice to see progress over base/build/specialty.

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One goal of training is to increase power, and that canā€™t be seen in PL tracking. Although I understand how progress can be motivation, no matter if that is beating your own times on Strava segments, or going from getting dropped to hanging with the A group, seeing PL increases (and decreases?!), to tracking changes in power curve.

Wouldnā€™t it reset though as you do ramp tests at each phase?

Ideally PLs move down/up according to your FTP increase/decrease. This has not been the case yet, though, and TR acknowledges that it needs work. One benefit of tracking my PL history was to see how quickly AT got back to the ā€œrightā€ levels after an FTP change. For me it was within 1-2 threshold and VO2 workouts.

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Itā€™s not logical to track this beyond a single training blockā€¦although, I suppose there are people who never do FTP tests/never change their FTP?

I canā€™t find it at the moment, but there is an existing Feature Request for that on file with TR.


Bumping to the team, thanks!

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@IvyAudrain - some replies suggest that due to FTP changes, and PL resets, this time-based view would not make sense. But you can handle that. For example, I start with Endurance PL 1.0 with FTP 200. I build to PL 6.5 then do a ramp test. My new FTP is 220 and PL is reset to 1.0.

My next workout I get a PL +1.1 for Endurance. Two factorsā€¦ that 1.1 is based on my new FTP that is 10% higher. So it is really a gain of 1.2. So based on where I started, my Endurance PL is now 6.5+1.2=7.7.

Having a RESET button to re-baseline the tracking would be nice tooā€¦ but these two factors would handle changing FTPs and PL resets, to still allow one to compare progressions over time based on a defined starting point.