Looking for pre race day advice

I’m in week 4 of ssb mid vol. this is my first trainerRoad experience. I have my last cx race tomorrow and I want to win. Just want to give it everything I have. My scheduled workout today is Mary austin -1 and tallac +3 tomorrow (race day). Should I do my scheduled rides or do something like truuli peak today for opener and just race tomorrow? I really don’t want to skip a scheduled workout but how do I get back on track if that’s what I choose to do?

Just curious as to what others would do in this situation as it is all new to me.

I want/try to win every race, but some are more important to me.

If it’s an A race you should have tapered (too late for that).

If it’s a B race then do the opener.

If it’s a C race just train through it, but still try to win (that’s still possible).

The best is to put this against your goals for the ready of the season. Would you rather do well in this race or be a bit better later on?