Lordy I need help!

Sorry in advance.

Did the annual plan and it was set to begin Monday Jan 6th. Did not get to ride at all that day. Found the intended workout (ramp test) on the following day so did it last night and rode some more to see how well the new Assioma Duos worked for zwift. I typically run my garmin 520 in conjunction with my workouts so that I can compare my KICKR watts with the duos but don’t always start and stop on time. The KICKR reports higher numbers than the duos and therefore, TR has all rides inputted from the duos for the sake of accuracy.

Did the ramp test as prescribed and removed the ramp test from the calendar and replaced it with my downloaded garmin connect file because it shows the ramp test along with the additional ride afterwards. First question is: (1) Will TR software see this as a ramp test given that I replaced the file the app downloaded with another file? TR did adjust my FTP based on the test but I just want to make sure that the plan knows that the ramp test was not skipped and therefore is not scheduled later?? Also do you (2) download additional files for the same evening because there’s additional TSS that needs to be documented in order for the software to accumulate additional TSS (for CTL etc to be accurate)?
Finally, (3) once your plan is set, does additional TSS alter future workouts?

Open question for the forum though (as I consider whether to pay the annual $189) is, how strongly people believe in the effectiveness of TR?? I am a longtime rider who usually just rides along and tries to see how fast he can go for a certain period of time. Probably more of a sprinter in terms of fiber composition but love the challenge of TTs and TT improvement is why I am looking at TR.

New to the science of all of this, but my FTP says 3.8 w/kg (235) yet also do 3.3 w/kg for 5 hours (e.g. Jan 1), it seems to me that focused intervals will go a long way to improving my FTP?? Time trials for my age seem to be around 30 mins now so extrapolating I can presently do 250 for 30 mins and therefore how likely is TR going to help me go 270 for the same time period?

Your patience is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • No, TR will see it as an “imported ride”.
  • There is not way to connect them since you deleted the TR test. But there is no problem either. TR will already have the “next” Ramp Test on your calendar about 4-6 weeks out (depending on the plan you picked or how Plan Builder made your plan.
  • I don’t understand this question.
  • No, it does not make any adjustments automatically.
  • You will see most around here using TR because it “works” for them. You can review the Results category for some actual comments from a range of users.

  • If you are new to structured training vs just “riding hard”, you are more than likely to see gains from TR or similar programs.


Thanks kindly for your quick response Chad. I feel embarrassed because I found this post:

and it’s super helpful in documenting what I was wondering. The question you didn’t understand was me wondering if additional TSS needs to be downloaded (when you do more riding than what TR suggested) because TSS as you know alters ATL, CTL and TSB … TR is new to me but I am sure that deviating from the annual plan will change the values for ATL, CTL, and TSB I just don’t have enough familiarity with the software. I intend on brushing up on Golden Cheetah anyways so that I can keep stuff offline as well as online… I have to have something to show the kids when they hear me say “I remember when I used to be able to push this many watts”… lol.


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Glad you found that thread. It was the one I had in mind, but didn’t find it right away.

  • OK. Yes, I suggest that you have your Strava, Garmin Connect or whatever connected to TR so it pulls any of the rides and workouts that you complete (when those are non-TrainerRoad workouts and rides).
  • That assumes you are planning to use TR with the intent to record and track your TSS and the 6 Week Average (gray line in the TR Career and Calendar, that is related to CTL).
  • TR does not report ATL or TSB for user evaluation. You will need to use other apps if you want to review that info.
  • Golden Cheetah is a common app used by several users here. You can search to find related threads if you have specific questions on that.
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Your TR plan won’t change regardless of what you do. The plan builder schedules workouts for you, based on what you told it about your goal event and your time available to train, but it doesn’t adjust them based on what you do. If you let TR download additional rides from your garmin, strava etc, it will show them on the calendar and track tss for you (if the rides have power data), but that doesn’t influence your scheduled workouts.

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A related video on results, just released:

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I just posted an FTP update video too! Funny enough. 14W (7%) increase to 3.23w/kg from 6 weeks of SSB MV1, going from on my road bike to on my tri bike. I’m content so far. I’m slightly of the opinion that like… Of course, ‘riding more’ will make you fitter, of no surprise to anyone. But TR forces me to do things on the trainer I wouldn’t do without it or just zwifting around (x time at close to threshold, over unders, etc etc.) With my limited training time and goals that are bigger than my abilities, I consider TR worth the cost (especially compared to other things we can spend our money on in the sport.)


Based only my own relatively short experience of TR I’d say it is beneficial.

I’ve done SSBLV 1&2 and am into Short Power Build now. My FTP has only jumped a few (4?) Watts but that is far from the whole story.

TR has forced me to be hugely more consistent and focused with my riding over the course of the Autumn and Winter.

When I now do an outdoor ride I “feel” (yes subjective I know) materially stronger for longer on any sort of ride at any sort of pace. I attribute this to all the Sweetspot work.

My own W/kg is poor but you are already starting from a good place - so may experience a differing benefit.

Good luck :+1:t2:

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In my opinion, it works, full stop.

If you stick with it and follow the plan(s) progression, you’ll also be introduced to Coach Chads workout drills. Whilst not all of them are relevant to all riders, you’ll soon find your weaknesses and have amply opportunity to refine those. After this past year of TR, I find that I ride with far less tension throughout my body and my transitions to and from the saddle are far better. Whilst these things aren’t obviously FTP related, I do believe that TR has helped improve MORE than just my FTP.

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