I recently had an FTP bump form 252 to 268 this week, I was ecstatic about it; so much so that I did a 2X10 sweet spot workout immediately after the ramp test. The following day I did Dade +1 and had to dial down the intensity by 5% for half the intervals. Did a recovery ride yesterday. Today I did Thor -3 in lieu of Thor -1 and nearly failed the workout.
What I noticed with all the workouts this week is that I had to fight to keep my cadence above 85 rpm, even during the recovery valleys; my cadence is usually between 85-95 rpm without issue. Even on the recovery ride I had to focus to keep my cadence over 85 rpm. On Dade +1 and Thor -3, my cadence would fall to 70-80 by the end of the interval, totally felt like I was grinding.
My question is: Does the drop in cadence indicate muscular failure, and am I overreaching too much at this point? Last week I had three big outdoor rides involving my first ride up a local mountain in over a year, my first fast group ride and farthest I’ve ever ridden (51 miles), an endurance TR ride, and finally a solo outdoor ride at about tempo. The week prior to that was the midpoint of the short-power build low volume plan, so I basically substituted the endurance week with relatively hard outdoor rides +1 TR ride. Was I arrogant to think I could do those big outdoor rides and then go right into another build phase?