For a while I have struggled with lower back pain on the bike. It kicks in after between 45 and 90 minutes, and usually becomes a genuine issue after about 2.5 hours.
An observation during a recent bike fit suggested that I had a relatively upright pelvis and was thus ‘making up the reach’ with my lower back curvature.
This seems to fit with the following:
So over the course of the last week I have worked on modifying my position and it has made a definite difference, which reinforces the ‘diagnosis’.
But the thing is, I actually find it quite hard to do! I find it hard to engage the glutes too, and I’m aware that unless I really concentrate, I revert to a more slumped position, especially while climbing or in a prolonged period in the drops.
I suspect I need to get some exercises to help me rotate the pelvis/increase my mobility in this area. The bike fitter hasn’t been terribly helpful, not offering much beyond the suggestion of ‘improve mobility’.
So that is what I’m looking to do. Has anyone had this problem/can anyone recommend any specific exercises to help address pelvic rotation?
Thanks in advance