Hi everyone,
I’m having some trouble syncing my activities, mainly because I have multiple apps running at once.
Here’s my setup:
I use Zwift and TrainerRoad together during training, which I know is a common combo. I don’t sync Strava with TrainerRoad—only Zwift uploads to Strava. This setup has worked well for me for years without any issues.
The problem began when I started adding strength training to my routine. I’d been doing strength training for about a year but took a break due to surgery. Now that I’m back and starting a new plan, I know TrainerRoad is pulling in strength training data as well.
I use Hevy to log my strength workouts, which syncs to Strava, and I also have a Garmin device that syncs to Garmin Connect. However, Garmin Connect doesn’t capture sets, exercises, or reps. This means I need Strava to sync with TrainerRoad to get that information. But syncing Strava with TrainerRoad will also bring over my Zwift rides and TrainerRoad workouts, creating duplicate entries and a lot of clutter.
Has anyone dealt with a similar issue? If so, what’s your strategy for managing this?
Delete one of the duplicates in Strava.
Do you want TR to adapt based on strength and other workouts, and/or for these other activities to be visible on your TR calendar?
My understanding is that this feature is really intended for those that lift to failure. For me, my lifting is more “maintenance.” Even when following an off-season lifting program that focuses on leg strength, I feel that I don’t need TR to adapt Z2 rides for me. So, for me, I use TR for cycling only and do not sync it with Strava.
If you want to have TR adapt based on other activities, or want to see everything on your TR account, consider setting up a separate Strava account just for your Zwift rides, thereby segregating duplicative workouts. If you dual record your rides on your Garmin you potentially have the same problem / solution there, too.
In general, I think all apps need to do better about identifying duplicate workouts and combining them - don’t throw one out, but keep all of the data.
@facmarques I just got word from someone on the team that there might be a better way around this!
If the Zwift workout is saved, synced to Strava, then snet to TR before the TR workout is completed & synced from the app to the TR server & website, then both will upload.
If it were to happen the other way around, (TR uploads to TR server/web first), then the imported Zwift ride should not upload. Therefore, you should be able to stop the Zwift ride from syncing to TR by ensuring that you complete the TR workout, answer the survey & let it upload to your TR calendar before saving/completing the Zwift ride.
Give it a shot and let me know what you find! 
If you’re using an iPhone you could also explore using Apple health as an intermediary and turning read/write off for certain applications to avoid things writing when they shouldn’t.
Thanks for the tip! I’ll give this method a try and see if it resolves the issue. The overlap between platforms does create some challenges, so I’m hopeful this workaround will help for now. I get that it might not be a priority to address this directly, but it would be great to have a more streamlined solution in the future.
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