Then you can earn another letter for Mary Austin in SSB2…
Did you do the +1?
I completed tonight and noticed there’s no in-training instruction.
It was kind of lonely
As stated above, I completed it. It was a hard ride but I was expecting it to be hard. More mental than physical though. I never thought I wasn’t going to physically be able to do it. Mentally it was a challenge to look ahead and see all the wonderful discomfort waiting there for you. But again, I was never on the brink of failure. I think you just have to be comfortable being uncomfortable
Heh, I did -1 earlier this year as part of SSBLVII, but I haven’t decided if I’m going to substitute the original this time.
Did McAdie +1 Wednesday night, no issues. Getting used to o/u I think. Had Beech yesterday, Palisade today, 2 hours Z2 outside tomorrow, Sunday is Galena +3, Monday is Carson +3 & finally a day off Tuesday. I repeat Wednesday, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sunday next week then rest week on business trip for a week of Z2 in the hotel gym & ramp test when I get back. That’ll wrap up my first SSB custom volume 1. Then it’s SSBMV + for 6 weeks before restarting another round of base. That’ll take me through winter & into a build phase in spring. 1/2 way into that, my racing season begins -6 6hour mtb races between May & late September with my A race Shenandoah Mountain 100 in September. I’m stoked to have a plan in place as I’ve never done structured training before & just rode into a bit of fitness but never got faster. At 47 I’m going to have my best season yet & these first over under workouts have been confidence builders for me.
Due to some technical difficulties, i had to remove the “recovery” ride this week and the rest day.
So my week looks like this:
Should i just add a rest day on the 23rd and push McAdie +1 to Sunday (the 24th) and Galena to Monday (the 25th)? I’ve never done the +1 version of it
Seems reasonable, unless you have anything hard scheduled for Tuesday. You could also replace Geiger with an endurance ride if you want to keep everything in the same week and have fresh legs for McAdie.
next week is recovery week. so i feel like i can skip some, next week.
RIGHT! Yes, shifting McAdie and Galena by a day is definitely reasonable.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Man that was hard. I refused to lower intensity so i took 2-3 breathers of about 15 seconds each. So deadly.
I came back to this thread after doing McAdie +1 today because it is such a M’thr F’r!
Ssaldanha it sounds like your FTP is in a good place!
I managed to get through the first 2 sets in good form then started to fall apart. I really struggled to get to the last set and finally had to back pedal for half a minute in the last valley before the final over. I finished without bailing and OMG I was cooked. I feel some guilt for the short back pedal, however, I did this at my highest FTP to date. I love to hear that others find this insanely challenging as well.
Don’t be. It’s quite a hard bastard and some days we cannot deliver exercises 100%.
Nailed it last Friday, weekend of travel and excess, sick house thread since!
super concerned about McAdie +1 given how much lesser over/unders have hurt & even been out of reach, but either I’ve finally started adapting or just had a good day, cause I crushed that shit
So I did the standard McAdie last night, kind of terrified before starting it after reading stuff about the +1 variation It actually felt ok, it was still a challenge but not to the point of bailing. Decided to empty the tank on the last over and did the minute at like 120%+ so I guess the adaptations are kicking in… So my question is, how much harder is the +1 version?
I wish I had read this thread before doing Warlow (5x9, 2 min under, 1 min over) today. So basically a junior McAdie. I would have fueled WAY more pre, and not had any beers last night. Absolutely brutal, and had to back down all the way to 95%. So…much…lactate…
You mean the beers weren’t the “WAY more pre” fuel?
Phew… happy to hear others struggled with McAdie+1 as well. I did it today and I felt like quitting a few times. During the session I did eat a banana and two gels, which I think helped get me through it. I did the first 3 12 minute intervals at my regular cadence, and dropped to a climbing cadence for my last interval.
If weather permits on Saturday, I’m going to swap out Galena by a 180km group ride. I’m looking forward to the deload week next week and I’m curious to see how my FTP evolved.
I did some standing during the over sections on the last interval, but got through it meeting the power requirements.
Total beginner here (40yo): Completed the normal one yesterday. Started awfully but I managed to complete it, even if exhausted. Today I had another high intensity one but I skipped it as the legs were too tired… Moved to tomorrow