Hi all!
I just signed up again after a 2 year break and getting back into the swing of things so I’m doing my usual hyperfocusing and surrounding myself with info.
I enjoy listening to the podcast even when I took a break from riding/training. I especially enjoy when the podcast shines some light towards the mental side of things. I often find myself wanting more content from a mental health perspective, but I know this isn’t the focus of the podcast.
I work in mental health mostly doing individual therapy so most of my day is through a mental health lens. There are so many things that are said throughout the podcasts that resonate so well with quality of life and mental health practices. Not comparing oneself with others, consistency, sleep, nutrition, routines, comfort, managing stress, ADHD has been sprinkled in there and most recent few podcasts eating disorders.
Please don’t take this post/thread as professional advice or a replacement for individual therapy, but it’d be nice to hear how others use skills/tools/thoughts from training to manage/improve their daily headspace or even vice versa.
To share a few:
At times, I discuss and assign various ways to sort through one’s thoughts, and this post is putting myself through the same advice/homework. Put all the thoughts down on paper. Mostly from my training ride or listening to the podcasts so I can stay focused with what I’m doing and not worrying or carrying these thoughts while on the bike or while I’m going about my day. Plus, one less worry is I don’t lose these thoughts, and I can refer back to this and maybe dig further down the rabbit hole.
Mindfulness or staying present while training has made running or the bike more enjoyable which also has helped with consistency. Embracing the suck, knowing that the uncomfortableness is going to be there, and accepting that it is part of what I’m doing rather than working to fight the miserableness i.e. ignoring, avoiding or hating those moments in life.
Last one which motivated me to write this up is eating. Orthorexia comes to mind for me. I eat relatively healthy, and my behaviors around eating can be perceived as unreasonable or reducing the quality of life. Not eating out with co-workers or friends. Being a picky eater. weighing food. Some body image/composition stuff mixed in here. Intentionally leaving out the reasons/details. Without context or understanding of lifestyle and who I am, it can be easy to see these as “issues” but “don’t turn a non-issue into an issue.”
Thank you Trainerroad crew, podcast, and forums.