Hi, I have been totally confused for years on missing workouts or doing outside rides then deciding how to designate the TR workout that I was supposed to do that given day.
if I just flat out miss a ride due to life or being too tired, thus deciding to skip altogether. . . do I always hit “Delete” or just leave it alone? If I leave alone, then the uncompleted ride lives there in my calendar maybe in a good way, in order to analyze how many missed rides I incur per block somehow?
if i ride outside instead of doing that given day’s workout . . . again, should I be hitting “Delete” for the TR ride that day or is there some other ‘substitution’ or ‘skipped ride’ button I am missing? (Naturally I estimate the outside ride stress)
I feel these choices seems to limit getting to the end of the plan and/or accurately ending the block correctly. I hope someone can simply explain. Thanks