Mouse over description in Calendar just like in Training Plan view

When I look at a Training Plan and mouse over a workout, the description pops up. (Example: “Fuji is 9x20-second all-out efforts at 200% FTP, each separated by about 4 minutes of active recovery at 65% of FTP.”

When can we get the same in Calendar for past & future workouts?


  • I move workouts around in calendar (because of runs, recovery, work, life, …) and that would speed that up. or
  • I just consider moving them around ( example: can i do my long run Thu so I can free up Saturday to go skiing, what do i have Wed night or Thu ?)
  • Also sometimes looking back, I want to look at a past week and quickly answer did I do my OverUnder before the SweetSport or other way around?

I’m just asking for the description of what the workout was supposed to be. Whether i followed or not the target power , should not change that description.



This would be useful in plan builder too, so that I know what I’m in for.

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+1 - even if only to display the complete name of the event/workout. Current view is tailored to TR workout names, but any events with longer names get truncated - for example, on the web version as well as the iPhone app, you get “Tour de Zwift Stage…”, or “Slowtwitch Indoors: …” and have to open the event to see the actual event name.

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+1. I’m often moving things around and get puzzled when the mouse over doesn’t work.

Absolutely. This drives me nuts. Would be nice if we could have this when viewing other peoples’ calendars, too.

Is there any chance of, or demand for, a workout’s description, goals, etc. to be shown in the summary box that appears when a workout is selected in the online calendar? When I select a workout in the desktop app, I am shown a full overview of the workout. Online, however, only a very rudimentary view of the workout appears, together with various editing features (move or delete a workout, add annotations and further workouts, etc.). If I want to see the workout’s goals, targets, description, etc. I have to click on the summary box to open up the workout in a new tab .

Wouldn’t it be quicker, easier and more convenient to have all those details appear in the summary box? First world problems…


I agree to the extent that it’s 3 different experiences across 3 different platforms — phone app, internet site, desktop app.

Understandably each platform function is different (e.g. an app is not a web page) but the cohesiveness could be tighter (e.g. I can star/favourite a workout in both apps for easy recall/building my own w/o library, but I can’t save favourites on my web based profile :man_shrugging:).

edit: guess this should be merged with the ‘Feature Request’ thread.

Quite similar to this one.

I may merge them.

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Fine by me @mcneese.chad. Seems like we’re both after the same thing.

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I also want a note icon to show up on the Calendar view (when viewing it via the website) and shows you your notes when you hover over it. Otherwise, you can’t tell which workouts have notes and which don’t.

Here is the best way to skim notes.

  1. Open your Career on the web.
  2. Click the Past Rides.
  3. Scroll and load (as only 10 activities show at a time), then you will see any activities with notes right on screen.

Updated with a better screen shot from PC,


Thanks for learning me.

Is there anywhere on the forum a compiled list of Tricks & Tips for different TR platforms?

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Not a complete list AFAIK.

I should probably make one and add it to the FAQ.

Bumping/upvoting this original request…

With AT adaptations, easy access to the workout description would be very helpful to understand what it is doing to you. Now, from Career/Current Week in a browser, a single click will get to the description. In Calendar in browser, you have to select the workout, then select the workout again in the popup to get to the description.

The friendliest would be to show the mouse over description in both the Career/Current Week view and the Calendar view the same way it is in the Training Plan view:


Thanks, all, bumping this to the team.
@d5280 that image helps lots, cheers!

I just experienced the “Accept Adaptations?” screen on the web interface for the first time. Love that it shows the mouse over description bubble for quick easy comparison of current vs adapted ride!

On the Career/Current Week, it’s now showing mouse over text equal to either the workout name or the workout level (I think this is new). The description would be best IMO.
New mouse-overs from Career/Current Week:

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