My 10k Everesting (1st one but not the last one)


After COVID ruined my A race in the beginning of Juin I stopped my TR plan (was following it for 6 months) and started to ride more relaxed around RGT Cycling were I´ve done “OUR GIRO” event completing 21 stages in 23 days all in full gas mode in May. The stages had from 40 minutes to almost 2 hours. In those 3 weeks I´ve increased my FTP from 4.2 to 4.5 w/kg according to trainingpeaks.

At the end of OUR GIRO first day of juin I decided to reset my full gas mode to a more low and long endurance resistance mode and start preparing my 1st Everesting. I´ve used mainly mid week the Stelvio and Mont Ventoux climbs on RGT and two weeks previous I´ve done a test at the chosen climb climbing it 4x (for the Everesting 8.848 elevation I had to do it over 16x) a couple days later I´ve tested it again 6x and I felt prepared to go the all way on the 20th of juin the longest day of the year.

Got to base camp at 6h07 and at the 8.848m after ridding 12h47. Kept One going to 10.000m and then some more just to finish the last climb (done 19x). Over 300km and ridding for 15h03 plus short stops having the total time of 16h02.

I´m now preparing next one… crazy no? It will be on a Suburban area, going for a different badge, its on a short 1.5km climb near my home that has a 6.5% average gradient and I´ll have to climb it almost 90x :blush:

Some pictures of the day:

Starting at 06h30 got to the top 1st time around 7h05 and this was the scenario:

And some from the rest of the day:


Everesting 10K certified:

Strava Activity:

Any advice on training, logistics or weather conditions for going for any Everesting feel free to ask or even give too.


parabens! (sorry, don’t have portuguese keyboard for the proper accent lol)

Just for fun, I looked at one mountain climb I did in portugal (Serra do Larouco | Strava Ride Segment in Montalegre, Vila Real District, Portugal) and in order to do the minimum for everesting, I’d have to go up probably 16.2 times (so we’ll call it 17). Each time up would probably take 40mins at first and then go longer, so that’s at least 10hrs of just climbing, plus descending time, which is slow because I don’t live near mountains so I’m bad at descents. It doesn’t sound fun to me lol

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Dude that’s an awesome effort :sunglasses:

Nice photos too - bet you are proud of the effort and the place in the ‘hall of fame’.

Great work :muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


Larouco is very Nice!

Everesting isn’t about the fun but about you going and test your climbing limits.


It´s a nice challenge. Hall of Fame is an extra. Proud to make part of the crew. :slight_smile:


Massive congratulations :partying_face: :+1:

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Wow, just wow! Congratulations on completing this epic challenge! I’d love to be able to achieve this some day. I think I might start with a smaller mountain, like Wycheproof, Autralia.

Wycheproofing 141m doesn’t quite have the same glory associated to it as Everesting 8,848m though :thinking:

In all seriousness, well done :muscle:


Thanks! I’ve done my second EV last saturday. Only two weeks after this One. Tell more about it later.