My first workout

today I did my first workout: Mount Field. everything good! the question concerns post-workout analysis:

he calls the three intervals: sweet spot

but in the power zone graph it is clear that the 3x12 watt range is in: Tempo no sweet spot

Ya, technically you’re correct that they are Tempo intervals. Most likely users will ride Mount Field as their first potential “hard workout” in the Sweet Spot Base plan (low and mid volume), so this ride is likely an easy introduction. For many people, their first ever structured interval could be this ride. So, I wouldn’t get too caught up in the technicality, you’re riding right at the top of Tempo, just under Sweet Spot so the training effect will be largely the same. Chad can answer for himself, but my guess is this is an effort to just not introduce unnecessary complexity just for the sake of being correct. There will be plenty of legit Sweet Spot intervals in your future, so don’t worry :slight_smile:


@nickcarosone Not all the workouts in Sweet Spot Base are actual Sweet Spot. It is mostly sweet spot with some additional variation. This workout is actually categorized as Tempo.


Agreed @BrianHardin, but when you look a the interval summary, it lists the intervals as Sweet Spot:

If you go by the classic definitions of power zones, Sweet Spot is a power range that falls within the upper end of Tempo and lower end of Threshold… The boundaries are fuzzy!

Perhaps this is why it’s listed under different ‘zones’ in the post workout analysis?

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