Nate’s gym routine

I think you hit the nail on the head about travel time.

We’re lucky enough to have a full gym in the office so any employee can lift anytime during the day. Lots of times people do sets throughout the day.

For PPL; there are lots of good approaches. It looks like total volume per muscle per week is what’s important. You can get that out of 1-2 sessions or a 3-4.

I find it impacts my cycling less if I hit it more often but with less sets. That’s why I usually only do two sets per exercise.

I also skip leg day a bunch because I really need to do it Thursday after my ride (Friday is easy) or Sunday after my ride (Monday is rest) or else the RPE I’d the next day goes through the roof and I don’t like that :slight_smile:.


I took creatine last year and stopped it a month before a race…I didn’t lose any weight :sob:.

This year is like an entire build year for cape epic so I might just accept my heaviness and do creatine the entire time and just try to be a flat crit/TT guy.

I really need to figure out my TT position with the right power/aero/comfort balance. If I want to get to cat 1 I think the best way to that is through stage races with TTs.

Doing that will also set me up for triathlon.


Good point. Right now I’ve done two months of trad base 1 and 2 outside, so 3 full body sessions a week were tolerable. But I’ll need to drop leg work to once a week soon.

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How much are you taking g/day

Thank you for posting Nate. Question, How many reps per set are you doing and are you going to failure with high weights?

5 g/day

Aiming for 10, when I hit that I go up in weight until I can hit 10 again.


@Nate_Pearson why exactly are you taking creatine? Curious to hear your thoughts.

Get swol :slight_smile:. There might be some nootropic benefits too.

Upper body strength is a limited in my MTBing. I get tired in longer events and can’t hold descending position.


Amen. I do a MTB stage race every year and this is my plague (well descending generally - but getting tired doesn’t help).

Have you tried any crossfit crap like battle ropes, etc?

No, I usually just like the core weight training stuff.

Ring Rows. Progress from feet on floor and then begin elevating. Those help massively get the arm/chest/shoulder strength for MTB.

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What kind of creatine? I notice a bunch of them come in powders and have a bunch of extra stuff in there I don’t want.


I think you will find that isn’t correct and is bro science. There are a lot of different rep ranges that will get you to the same point.

There are a lot of different opinions out there, check out T Nation and

creatine monohydrate is all you need. Everything else in terms of extra stuff is just for marketing. is one of the better sources according to (Top 10 Creatine Supplements)

Can anyone share the link for this on the App Store - I cant seem to find it? Or is it two locked to the US store?

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I’ve used Strong app for a couple years. Great app. See if you can find it with this info:


Bulk Supplements is also a good source of pure supplements.


Thanks :pray:

Second the comment on Bulk. There stuff is excellent and good value too. Their pure series is almost all additive free and the only ones I’ve seen with additives were natural fruit powders for flavour. (Which they could skip but don’t always do)

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