I’m unbalanced. My right leg is much stronger than my left leg; 2cm larger at the thigh a few years ago when I got my body metrics measured. So when I installed my shiny new Assioma Duo on the trusty trainer bike, I expected to see the stronger right leg show through in the data, but that has not been the case. Not even close.
Upon reviewing the data of my first ride I was shocked to see a power split of 56/44 TE 90/80 PS 24/22. I’m still trying to understand the metrics, but considering how much more meaty my right leg is, this was surprising. The next workout I did I saw a balance of 57/43.
I reworked my garmin to show live power balance metrics and have seen up to 70/30 regularly through all power phases. Here is my ramp test from just last night (along with West Vidette tacked on the end). When I stand I get a much more reasonable live reading of 45/55 with the right leg (stronger) creating more power.
I have ridden for years and have had regular left hamstring injuries and have always assumed it was because it was the weaker side. Now I am wondering if it is because it has been over worked? Should I even care?
I have not tried the pedals on the tri bike so I’m not sure if a different body position will effect things yet. It also makes me want to get a trainer tire for the MTB and see what’s going on there as well.
More information:
I’m a triathlete so I record balanced power data from running as well. When I run outdoors, I am almost at 50/50 balance for ground contact time. I feel balanced and light on both feet. The data shows favor for the left leg sometimes, but not too bad.
When I hit the treadmill, my balance shifts to about 51.5/48.5 with really bad examples getting north of 53/47.
I have no idea if any of this matter, but I have found it very interesting. I had planned on getting a left side only meter for the MTB, but am rethinking whether that will give me even close to realistic data at all now.