So as the title says, i’m new to TR and cycling.
A bit of background about me. I’m a 38 year old male, and used to play tennis 3 times a week but had to stop due to a shoulder injury. In order to not become a couch potato, i decided to take on cycling since i always had a soft spot for cycling.
So i decided to get a trainer, pick up a training plan in TP and started pedalling in March this year. Although i always played sports throughout my whole life, i’m new to endurance, so needless to say, that the first 2 weeks were crazy hard, especially being a smoker (i know, i know. Working on quitting smoking so bear with me…). Not only i had to deal with the requirements of endurance work, but also had to deal with bike discomfort on the trainer,etc,etc.
After failing some workouts on that training plan, i decided to pickup a TR sub so i could have things more structured and “force myself” to complete a training plan.
So on the 7th of April i started the SSBMVI training plan. I pushed my self and was able to go through the entire plan (currently on recovery week.) I was surprised i was able to go through the entire plan, and i can already notice an improvement in my fitness, comfort on the bike,etc,etc.
So with all this being said, i have several questions regarding what lies ahead…
1- I have a power meter on the way, and i intend to start riding outside on sundays. Now, when using TR inside, i’m able to stay within the 85-95 cadence that TR suggests while doing my workouts. My question is, when i start riding outside, is it imperative that i also stick to that cadence range? Even with the gradient changes,etc,etc? I fear that when i start riding outside, in order to hold the power level i’m supposed to hold that i won’t be able to stick to the same cadence i use indoors…
2- Vo2 workouts are coming according to my plan. Am i required to stay seated for the duration of Vo2 intervals and use high cadence? Or can i stand once and a while and use a lower cadence? To simulate climbing a hill for example? Does it make a difference wether i’m seated or standing since seating cadence is faster than OTS cadence?
3- One of my goals is to eventually start participating in Mini Fondos. And most of the Fondos that happen in my country have big ass mountains in them, so my main interest is to train mostly for climbing.
Here’s an example of a minifondo i plan to take part of next year:
So my question is, is it ok that on my sunday rides (which if i understand correctly, should be endurance rides, aka z2 rides) to take place in hilly courses? I live in a major city with traffic lights, roundabouts,etc every 20meters, and outside of that, i have a park near my place that is somewhat hilly where i can ride in a loop. Am i ok to use that for my z2 rides even though that will probably mean i will use very low cadence since i will be climbing a lot and my FTP is somewhat low atm?
And i think these are all the questions i have for now.
Thank you for your time,