Hi All I’m new to this platform, it was recommended by a friend. I’ve been using Training Peaks since 2010. I was then a cyclist up until 2019. I have changed to Triathlon. I have been considering using a coach but am looking at all options. This was recommended to me after having difficulty getting my Wahoo Kickr Snap to work out well. I have a million and one questions but don’t know where to start. I’ve been looking at reviews, listened to the pod cast and am still a bit confused.
First off, My aim this coming year is 70.3 triathlon. My background is Time trials up to 12hr. I’ve looked at the work outs/plans. For my style of racing/pacing the intervals seem very short? I’ve always preferred pushing FTP up over time. Are there any plans like this? I have been using an 80/20 approach and Tri-plan this year with some success until being hit with COVID in August. I’m a bit confused about how TR plans can adapt accurately whilst doing swim and run workouts?
TrainingPeaks(TP) and Garmin seems to work well for the Analytics.
- What has drawn me to TR is the new Adaptive Training.
- Can an 80/20 plan be imported effectively or able to import plans at all?
- As neither TP, 80/20 or TR adapt swim and run work outs, would I be better to use TR for the cycling part and leave the swim and run to a plan outside TR?
There are many more questions but I’m still trying to work out how best to balance how I train.
After all, the off-season is when to experiment!