New TR Feature.... What is @Nate Testing Out 🤔

thanks for the link, i have erased those from my TR libraries, i don’t want to get sued!! At least one good thing that came out of it is that my nephew who never did any cycling or any sports in his life started to get off the video game and want to do some cycling with me, I guess he picked it up while copy and pasting the workout description for me,


Fingers crossed they are just a few hours early and we may see the updates released during the day.

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I hope not :wink: the weathers shit here in the uk and this would make me want to go outside to train :joy::joy::joy:


how hard is it to develop a garmin app ? i can get my nephew working on this,

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As Chad said no April Fools. I’m in Australia so ahead of you guys time wise. You can’t pull an April fool past midday on the 1st or the jokes on you. When they release this feature time to make a device that can allow you road bike to be switched into ERGO mode.


I just checked the Google Play store again, and no updates available yet :frowning:

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well they do kind of have one, I’d have to dig through Ray Maker’s site, but he had a look at a special wheel which changes resistance. BRB with a link!

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  • Link your power meter to the AIRhub App for the most advanced training in existence. Once you have selected a training power in the app the AIRhub will automatically regulate loads to hold your exact training wattage. Marginal Gains on every ride.
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ah you beat me to it!

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DC Rainmaker did a hands-on of it last year.


Yup, and so did Shane:

Sounds dangerous.

I’ll be at the Garmin IQ conference on Tuesday of next week. I fly out Wed to Sea Otter. If anyone wants to meet let me know!


Still no update of the app :disappointed_relieved:

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Status quo - no update yet despite the April 2 email from Wahoo. Maybe the update is tied to the new product release from Wahoo tomorrow or Sea Otter.

Yes, we expect one or two new device announcements (Roam head unit and/or Rival watch) and related app update early tomorrow. And yes, likely tied into the SOC events.