Hey everyone. First time poster here. I have what may be an easy question to answer but I have been torn about which way to go for the past few weeks.
The short explanation is that due to myself being a Type-1 Diabetic I have decided that even if races do take place in 2020 that I will not attend the ones I have signed up for as I feel with my pre-existing condition it would be irresponsible to take that chance.
I am a triathlete and since pools have been closed I have been doing much more biking in place of the no swimming. I have a Kickr Snap that I bought almost three years ago. I do not have a power meter so the Snap is the only way I train with power. I have one bike that I use for both inside and outside riding. So basically if I want to ride outside I have to swap out my trainer tire for my regular tire. Not a huge deal since I ride about 90% inside, but some of that is that I hate the hassle of changing my tire multiple times.
I was planning on buying Assioma Dual pedals before all of the lockdowns came up but since I will be pretty much almost all inside and planning on doing more virtual racing instead of real racing I was thinking of buying a Kickr Core or Kickr instead.
I am not sure if I should just go with the pedals or if I should go with the new trainer. Right now I have road pedals so the pedals plus shoes would be about equal to the Core and the step up to the regular Kickr wouldn’t be to much more if that is the way I wanted to go. In my mind I am thinking getting pedals is a better way to go since I can use them outside too but I could probably save up for them in early 2021.
The Snap has been great but but I know there is maintenance stuff with the tire pressure and roller pressure (that I don’t calibrate nearly as often as I should). It would be nice to just throw the bike on and off a direct drive without dealing with calibrations/changing tires/etc). On the other hand I know that I can just power match pedals to take away from some of that.
I wasn’t sure if anyone has dealt with this decision before or if there was something I was missing in terms of information to sway my decision. I tried to look online about this and it was no help but this forum seemed like the perfect place for the discussion.
Thanks for all the help everyone!