Interestingly enough seems like the low and mid volume plans all went down in TSS quite a bit. I’ve handled mid-volume just fine with the exception of the last month while our 5 month old had a sleep regression so I’m curious if there will plans between the plans like Nate said in the last podcast covering polarized training.
Yea the are definitely switching some thing around! Makes me want to delete my current plan, but I have been making gains. So I’ll probably be patient and wait for AT to kick in.
Whoa interesting, the intensity is dialed back across the board a lot. Looks like more over-unders and VO2 max intervals where there are fewer intervals of intensity and more time spent at Z2 before and after. Seem to be implementing to minimum effective dose concept that’s been discussed a lot.
Side note, the workouts have been changed but not all of the weekly tips have been updated accordingly. For example, the tri plans still have all of the old text but the new workouts (the bike workouts do looks much less intense overall, TBD on swim/run when the text is updated).
I noticed the same thing about the weekly tips. I’m sure those will be updated. I typically switch out the sunday sweet spot rides for endurance rides from the tips (but outside) so it was one of the first things I looked for too.
I’m curious if they were dialed down a notch to accommodate the different levels inside of adaptive training. where these might be the bare minimum for the day but if you’re feeling good the system will prescribe something harder.
New sustained power build HV has become even less sustained power and more vo2 max build. Interesting approach. Even the first recovery week has vo2 max in it. The longest sustained power interval is…5 min long. I hope this is only the basic template for AT.
Bring me back my SSB HV classic lol it’s very disconcerting how different it is
Edit. I still have the old version in my plan builder. Really interesting to see sweet spot workouts in the 4-7ish range week 1 while the new plans look like level 1. Personally I’ve never struggled with SSB Hv, especially in the first phase, so I’ll be interested to see how it adapts me
The SSB plans look like a much easier baseline and progression, but worth noting that AT will build on that depending on how you go through the plan. It probably makes sense to have a fairly easy baseline progression by default and let AT progress forward rather than the other way around?
That’s a good thought and probably is what will happen. I was looking through some of the plans I know well like SPBHV and thinking “man those midweek workouts are surprisingly easy.” Still, probably better for the majority to have something easier than they can sub in something harder if feeling good. For people who like to tinker with workouts and progressions rather than strictly following a plan (like me admittedly), it’s definitely a different process.
Very different… just started the second week of Sus Power Build LV today with a .93 IF VO2max workout (Bashful +1). New plan has you starting with a .82 IF Baird -1. New plan gets nowhere near as close in intensity for the VO2max workouts, topping out at .88 IF Mills in the last hard week.
I just scanned mid-volume SSB and short power build. I’m now hard-pressed to find any workout at or above .9 IF (other than the Ramp Test). That’s a significant change (having just finished week 5 of SSBII with 3x workouts > .9 IF, I know!).